Racing The Limits (Limits #1)

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When Raelynn Williams moved to Georgia, she had a perfect recipe for a systematic, anonymous life.

 But that goes down the drain and she finds herself in tumultuous situations.

All because of-

One lake party.

One stupid cousin.

One wrong phone call.

And of course-one badass racer.


It was hella good. I can not believe it. The girl lead was so badass and I loved having a badass character instead of a meek and shy one. But of course, I still like those. (Under some circumstances.) The male lead was also freaking badass and oh-so-attractive. And perfect. And flawed. And I want one.

THIS BOOK LEFT ME CRYING. Like balling my eyes out and sobbing and all those unattractive things you do when you cry.

There are a couple twists and turns ( L I T E R A L L Y ) and I just loved how it all fell in to place.

I was really thrown off of the title 'Right On Track', I don't know why. I'm weird like that. But when I encountered it again and I saw that she changed the title, I found myself being sucked in by, like, a vortex.

This book is amazing and I cried so it's legit. 

I'm currently reading the sequel and waiting for an update, maybe I could expect one next week? In a few days time? I hope so. The sequel by far is amazing and will no doubt make it on here when it's finished.

Cheers to sleepless nights and tear-stained pillows. ;) xx

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