Chapter 40

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Leaping to my feet, I glanced rapidly around me for the source of the scream.


I flinched at the sound in my own head. My mad side hadn't ceased from bothering me.


I glanced down at Elliot who gazed at me, his face creased with concern. I suddenly became aware of a lingering warm sensation on my neck. I'd definitely disturbed his sleep with my panic.

I opened my mouth to reassure him I was okay but a whinny escaped instead. I'd forgotten I was in horse form.

"Jay?" Elliot pressed as he slowly stood up.

I shook my head wearily, hoping he understood it was nothing to be worried about.

He frowned, clearly not convinced.

I turned my back to him, gazing out at the rising sun. I'd forgotten how beautiful nature was. Rays of red and yellow sunlight laminated the trees with white light, making me squint my eyes even though I was under the shade of an oak nearby. The sight almost made me forget all my problems. I almost lost myself to before when I was a lonely, but carefree horse. I didn't know if turning human was worth it.

Yes it was; I met Josh and befriended Elliot and Grace and even Jonah.

I reconsidered my thoughts.

But Josh hates me and my horse now and Grace is injured because of me and Elliot is going to get himself killed on my behalf. Not to mention all the pain and suffering I put Jonah through.

I sighed, miserable with my life. I'd really screwed it up.

"We need a plan. Turn human Jay."

I sighed. Shaking my head, I turned human.

Elliot looked away, as though he was grossed out. Maybe I was just being paranoid with the current circumstances.

"What?" I sighed, gazing at him.

Elliot's eyes widened.

"Jauda, you’re all bloody!"

I rolled my eyes. "That's what happens when you get in a horse fight."

"Are you okay?" He asked, ignoring my comment.

"Yeah," I lied. In truth, I was feeling miserably stiff. Gashes from thrashing hooves bore into my arms and legs, even snaking my stomach and back. My stinging head also confirmed scratches on my face. I guessed along with the dirt I must look horrendous.

"Let's wrap some of those scratches," Elliot said, his eyes fixated on a deep one in my upper arm.

"The blood is dry," I assured him, "and you don't look so good yourself."

That was true. Elliot also had scrapes from the mad dash through the woods along with a semi-deep gash on his right shin.

"Yeah but-" Elliot started.

"No," I said sternly, "I need to find Mila before something horrible happens to her."

Elliot gazed at me unblinkingly.

"What?" I fumed, my temper as short as my pain was miserable.

"What if she was taken because Damen wants to capture you? He's enslaved many people under his magic, what if he wants you too?"

I sighed. "So be it. I can't let Mila die for me. I'll go save her no matter the cost."

Elliot gazed at me, his face turning grim. "Sometimes I hate your stubbornness."

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