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Aubree's Pov
We walked through the mall, catching people attention. My eyes landed on Maria and her homegirl. They always stayed togther so I knew exactly who they were.

"You see her right there." I nodded towards them and Fantasy nodded. "Thats Maria, my brother Ex."

"So thats the bitch who having his baby?" She asked and I looked at her.

"What you mean baby?" My brother didnt tell us about this.

"Aaron told me today that she was 5 months pregnant. I wanted to get his ass but it was before we met." She said, clenching her jaw.

"Well since she pregnant, we can beat her homegirl ass." I said and Fantasy nodded. We approached them and Maria seemed like she saw a ghost.

"So you pregnant with my brother baby? You sure its his?" I asked, ready to beat that baby outta her.

"Bitch what!?" She got buck and loud. Before I could say something back, Fantasy punched her dead in her shit. Her homegirl stood up like she was about to do something and I pounced on her ass. Security was there in no time, slapping handcuffs on both of us.

We sat in the cell together, laughing at the situation. Aaron was on his way to come get us because they was bullshitin'.

"What you think Aaron gone say?" Fantasy asked me. I already knew Aaron was gone flip the fuck out and probably beat both of our asses.

"I dont really know, what can he say?" I tried to brighten the situation.

Five minutes later the guard let us out the cell. We saw Aaron standing there with his arms crossed, with anger written all over his face.

"Don't ask me for shit else and hurry the fuck up. Go straight home." He said, pushing me towards my car. I did as told and went the fuck home. When my brother got angry, it wasnt no playing around.

I pulled up to my house and saw my bestfriend car in my driveway. Why this nigga always here? He never stay at home.

"Bestfriend!?" I yelled for Maurice.

"Im inna kitchen!" He yelled back, I shoulda known.

"Why the fuck you always in my house?" I asked, putting my purse on the kitchen table.

"Cause." He came up from behind me and grabbed my waist. See, Maurice is my bestfriend but its complicated. We done did a lot, shit real bestfriends do.

"Yo bitch know you here?" I turned to face him and he started laughing.

"We into it right now." He pecked my lips. He always did this but I didnt care. It was a no strings attached policy (lol).

"So you came to lay up with me until she got her mind right?" I challenged and he laughed.

"You know it." He picked me up and carried me to my room.

If my brother found out that me and Maurice were fucking, he would kill me. All of my family love Maurice like hes our brother or something.





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