Stupid Moves

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Fantasy's Pov
I know I told Aaron I would stop stripping but I cant. I done did this for so long, its like a habit. Plus my boss aint having it, one of his best dancers quitting?

I had told Aaron I was spending the night at his sister house but I wasnt. Me and Aubree ended up chilling and I told her about me stripping. She wanted parts so I put her on. I know its wrong but how else we suppose to get money?

"How I look?" Aubree asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"Like a bad bitch." I said and we high-fived each other.

We headed to the dance floor with matching lingerie on. As we was doing a lil routine that we put together, My eyes locked with Rara's. Rara was Aaron and Aubree cousin, I remember him from the cookout. He looked at me, Aubree, then hopped on the phone. Something In my heart was telling me that he was calling Aaron.

"Bitch we gotta get outta here, there go Rara." I said and she followed my finger. We both grabbed our money then ran off stage. We were in the dressing room, throwing on our clothes when the door busted open. All the other girls started screaming, making my blood pressure go up. Indeed it was Aaron and he was ANGRY.

"Everybody get outta here now!" He yelled, making me grab my gym bag and Aubree hand. We tried to run out with the girl but he grabbed us by our hair. By me having a sew-in , I tried to pry his hands.

"Aaron stop!" Aubree yelled as he threw her across the room.

"What the fuck you doing here!? You brought my sister in this motherfuck!?" He yelled at me, I was froze. I couldnt think or move. That caused Aaron to shove me too, causing me to fly across the room.

"Take yo ass home and I make sure to tell momma about this!" He slapped Aubree so hard, I felt the shit. I tried to run behind her but he picked me up.

"Aaron Im so sorry, Im sorry." I cried as he put his hand around my neck.

"You brought my fucking sister here! After I told yo ass dont come back here!" He tightened his grip, making me lose all air circulation.

"Stop!" I yelled, trying to hit him.

"I should kill yo ass right now!" He let go and slapped me, making me lose my balance. I held my face and felt something wet in my hands. For sure I was bleeding from the nose.

"Baby Im sorry, Im sorry." Was all I could say. Call me crazy for calling him Baby but this was my fault.

"Im done with you, you dont even exsist to me no more." He said, then left out. I grabbed my gym bag and ran after him, I couldn't let my future husband leave me.

"Hear me out." I said, grabbing his arms. He snatched away from me and I saw tears in his eyes. I didnt mean to hurt him, I promise. "Just give me a second chance, Im sorry."

He wasnt trynna hear that, he wasn't even paying attention to me. He hoped in his car and I got in the passenger seat.

"Get the fuck out, now!" He yelled but I didnt budge.

"Aaron... Forgive me, please." I cried.

"Look at you, you look a hot ass mess." he said, going into the glove compartment and getting tissue. He helped me clean my nose then just stared at me.

"I know... I fucked up big this time.. I know its my fault for bringing Aubree here. I-I didn't know this shit would happen." I said, crying silently.

"Yeah, you did fuck up. Im sorry for putting my hands on you, it was out of Anger." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Ughhh, I hate myself." I said, covering my face.

"Fantasy I love you, no matter how bad you fuck up. I cant be done with you either, you mean too much to me." He said, pulling my hands from my face. He leaned in for a kiss and I gave him one.





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