L'incontro sconosciuta

50 4 6

The water seeps in as the bats start to wake up, it must be six o'clock already,

I jump into the river and swim to the muddy surface,

Bats fly out of the cave and I start to run through the forest until I reach a street called Eagle Street, The Market is closed so I have no reason to stay in a ghost town as I'm starting to miss seeing the public and contacting with the living.

I cross over a street that leads into Plenty Road, I search for the living but I see nothing as if everyone knew I was coming. The night is quite and the beach appears so beautiful as ever, soft with no waves, full of fish that I can see by the moonlight, it would be a good night to fish but it would be to chili for the humans likings.

I check anyways, I was wrong there are two out tonight, there two couples. A lady with long brown hair up in a ponytail and a man with greyish, blackish hair, there all ragged up and cuddling each other. I couldn't tell how old they were but by the lady's voice she could be about in her 20's.

I stand there and watch, I don't care if I seem like a weirdo because in a way I am. I start to get bored watching them because clearly there fishing in the wrong area because there not catching anything but a cold.

Speed takes over in time, ten minutes as my body reaches a café in Long Vile Street two hours from a street called Plenty Road.  I open the door as my body is completely dry of the socking water I swam in, the café has a few people in eating dinner with their families and couples siting on the bar drinking.

I take a sit at the bar alone and ordered a glass of Jim and Coke from the bar attendant who looks like the monopoly guy on the game board  but much tanned. 

After ten minutes later half way through my Jim Bean, a guy walks in and takes a sit next to me, he doesn't seem to care if I was sitting beside him, his black curly hair covers his eyebrows and his eyes are peeled to his mobile phone. He must be texting his girlfriend. 

I turn around to his side to take a clear look at him, his aftershave burnt with delightfulness, a hint of barbeque beef is around the air but all I could taste when I look at his  lips is sweet blood stains. It could be from his almost healed cut on his left eye. 

This guy I swore I have seen before, it's the guy from the hotel, sexy half naked on his bed, I was the spy intruder and now his here beside me at a bar.

Shit I look like crap I thought. I continue to drink my Jim Bean as my last sip ends, I pay the check and leave.


Sitting here staring at my phone at the bar, I haven't ordered anything yet but I'm in no rush, time to text Hannah,

"Hey Hannah how's the Dinner Dance going?"

Five seconds later

"Hello, the dance is going great, jokes not really, Toby hasn't ask me to dance yet! What should I do ?!

"Ask him to dance goof ball!"

"Wouldn't that be weird, a girl asking a guy?"

"Nope I see nothing wrong with that, his maybe shy, go ahead beautiful"

"But I'm shy too Alex haha! Grrr...."

A few seconds past.

"Fine...I'll do it thanks xx Anyways enough about me what are you up to tonight?"

"That good to hear beautiful. Nothing much just at the bar meeting someone but I think your cousin just got stood up"

A few minutes past. 

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