Angel of Death

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"Sit down all of the Kluncking idiots." Alby snapped suddenly. He had been quiet the entire meeting but suddenly chose this moment to speak. "Are you really believing the garbage coming out of this shuck Newbie's mouth? Out of any of their mouths?" He pointed at Teresa and I. We frowned.

"Alby, what's gotten into you?" Newt asked, just as surprised by his sudden outburst as we were.

"You hear it from Thomas himself these three worked for W.I.C.K.E.D! They worked for them and now you want to trust them? We don't know what kind of people they were if they were willing to send us in here, watch us die, struggle and not intervene, not help. You heard him, we're science experiments to them."

"If you haven't noticed Alby." Teresa interrupted. "We're part of his science experiment now too. We're lab rats, just like you." Alby scoffed.

"Yeah, for how many days now? The three of you haven't even been here a month collectively. You've given us no cause to trust you..."

"In case you don't remember, I saved your butt back in the Maze." Thomas cut him off angrily.

"And Teresa barely woke up but it's not like we haven't been risking life and limb for this place. You can't just no trust us based off of some scattered memories about our past."

"You of all people shouldn't be talking!" Alby shouted at me. "You're the one who made this shuck Grievers! Do you know how many people you've killed? How many lives you've ruined! You killed Zart, you've killed Andy! You want to kill all of us!" My throat hitched. I had killed so people. So many people. Thomas and Teresa had the blessing of not remembering any of it. I on the other hand remembered it all.

"Alby, you're acting bloody crazy! Do you really want to stay in here? I believe in Thomas. If he says we have a shot at getting out of her, I believe him. Besides, if he's trying to kill us, why would he volunteer to go down the Griever Hole first?" Everyone was quiet.

"We're not your enemies. Nobody remembers the past." Teresa began slowly, trying to clam Alby down.

"I do! I remember!" He shouted slamming his fists on the table. "I remember how bad it was. The outside world, it's awful. It's better that we just.."

"I swear if you suggest we stay here.." Minho threatened.

"I am! None of you remember what it's like out there, you haven't even brought it up Thomas but I remember. The world we have inside our Glade, this Maze, it doesn't even compare to the world outside these walls." Nobody spoke. Alby was right of course. A quick death in here was better than the long drawn out one in the Scorch. "If we go out there, we're dead."

"We're dead if we stay here." Minho reminded him.

"So that's it then? Die here or die out there? Where's the option where we live?" Frypan demanded.

"Calm down all of you." Next shouted as everyone slowly began freaking out and talking over each other, asking questions and becoming worried. "We can still get out of here. We can go down the Griever Hole and that code or whatever from the maps should help us out somehow along the way."

"I burned them." Alby wasn't even trying to deny it now. He had burned the maps. "I burned the maps. You have a code?" He demanded. Minho snorted and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Your efforts failed cupcake. We saved them thanks to your gracious warning a week before." He was smug about it. How long had they known that Alby had set the fire? Maybe they knew the whole time, they wer just waiting for him to confess to it. Alby said nothing.

"I don't want to leave." He murmured.

"Alby you have to. You have to come with us. If you, our leader won't even come then who will?" Newt asked. "Think of the other Gladers. Don't you think they should have a chance at freedom? At answers?"

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