Trust Is Fickle

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"Oh come on." I complained, rolling my eyes.

"Just because you've never seen a girl before and just because Thomas survives a night in the Maze doesn't mean.."

"Mallory." Newt cut me off.

"We've gone over this. If I knew more, if Thomas knew more, we'd tell you but we don't." Lying through my teeth, always a good choice.

"But it's not just that." Gally interrupted. "Are we forgetting that you were in the Maze? You ran into Minho and according to Newt, you tried to kill the Griever that stung Alby." Everyone began murmuring, I was loosing my trust in the group rather quickly.

"Mallory?" Minho questioned, arching an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"Okay, yes. I tried to kill a Griever but I didn't manage to do it. It was still moving when I left. I thought the Creators or whoever would pick their little pet up and fix it. I didn't think anyone would stumble upon it!" I argued loudly.

"But you said you survived for a full day. You didn't know where you were going, you were there an entire night. Who are you Mallory? What the hell were you doing in there?" Gally shouted.

"You want to know what I was doing there!" I snapped at him.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. I growled a little.

"I was in the Maze, running around, scared out of my mind. That's what I was doing! When I woke up by a shucking cliff, it was late afternoon, so yes, technically I was in there a full twenty-four hours but of two separate days. Not an entire day and then some." Nobody said anything. "I ran through the entire night. I didn't stop. I barely rested. I was afraid they were going to kill me. And then I ran into Minho and it's like a miracle!" I yell, pointing at him. "Frankly I'd rather be dead right now then here with a bunch of stupid boys who ask a bunch of stupid questions."

"Alright Mallory, you've made your point. Sit down." Newt said firmly, in a soft voice. I hadn't even realized I stood up. I quickly took my seat.

"You're just going to let this one fly over our heads? Ben warned us. Ben said that these two were part of it. He wanted to kill them because of it!" Gally snapped at Newt.

"Ben was out of his bloody mind!" Newt barked out at Gally. "He was stung, he got free and now he's dead." A tense silence filled the room. "And unless you want us to banish your shank butt you better shut up!" Gally, miraculously was silent. Newt huffed and shook his head, "Good, now. Minho I think it's your bloody turn." Newt muttered, gesturing to his friend and sitting down. Minho cleared his throat all important like and grinned.

"Well, none of you shanks were out there to see him but Thomas was shucking brilliant. And I'm going to leave it at that and just put in my recommendation."

"Then get on with it." Newt said, aggravated as Minho paused. He smirked.

"I nominate this shank to take my spot as Keeper of the Runners." Everyone started talking at once. It was complete chaos. Thomas was hanging his head, shaking it even. I glanced at Minho perplexed. He couldn't possibly mean that. He loved being the Keeper of the Runners. When I glanced his way though, Minho merely winked at me. Here we go again..

It took Newt a lot longer to calm everyone down after such a statement but eventually, after a lot of yelling, he quieted them to a manageable level. "You're all actin like a bunch of crybaby momma boys." Newt snapped. "Shut up or I'll dismantle this entire shucking council and start from shucking scratch." That shut everyone up. "Do you have anymore to say Minho?" Newt demanded.

"Yeah I do." Minho said leaning forward and staring at Athens like he was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. "This shank is the craziest Glader that's has ever walked around and surely the craziest to ever run through the Maze, including all the ones who were stung and went all nutso." He paused, like he had lost his place. "First he goes into the maze after two people he barely knows. Then me, the veteran of this shucking place up and leaves and he stays behind to help our courageous leader. He tied Alby to that shucking wall, dodged Grievers and not once did he freak out or give up." He stopped and glanced at me for a second.

"And that's not something we should be punishing him for. He's the best Runner, the best Glader I've seen in all the years that we've been here. Things are changing yes but it's new, it's something different. Maybe it's something that can get us the hell out of here." Minho was right. He didn't know it, but he was right. Newt stopped writing in his notebook.

"Finished?" Newt questioned. Minho nodded and Leander back in his seat, crossing his arms and staring at me. Newt pointed in my direction. "Last but not least." He murmured.

"Well, I agree with Minho. I don't think Thomas should be Keeper of the Runners but he should definitely be a Runner." I paused, glancing up at my friend. "Regardless of whether he broke a rule or not, if this is the most exciting, life changing thing that's happened to you guys in the last two years, that's a good thing. Change is never bad." Newt nodded his head and everybody seemed transfixed on my words. I looked at my hands pin my lap, blushing.

"Fine. Everyone good then? Everyone got there say in?" Newt demanded.

"Can I talk now, you're all acting like I'm not sitting here." Thomas said. I laughed a little and Minho nudged me.

"Fine, bloody say your piece." Newt grumbled.

"I didn't do anything wrong guys. I know I broke a rule, I get that but I couldn't just leave them out there if there was some way I could help and I did. Would you rather have lost Alby and Minho in the same day?" I shivered at the thought and I saw several people shake their heads. "Punish me, reward me but I honestly don't think I did anything wrong."

"Okay, that's it, we're done." Newt said as Thomas finished, probably so nobody else could get a word in. "We'll put it to a vote. We're not making him replace you Minho." Newt began. Minho nodded p, like he expected this. "But we can make him a Runner." A few people began muttering under their breath but Newt silenced them sigh a glare. "Or punish him." He sure see under his breath. "Or shuck, a combination of the two if you like."

"I like that idea."

"Mallory!" Thomas complained. I almost smiled, he used to use that same tone of voice on me before.

"What?" He just rolled his eyes.

"I agree with the girl." Winston muttered. After several more agreements it was a done deal. Thomas would spend a full day in my favorite little jail cell and then he would come out a Runner.

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