Sleeping Beauty

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I was awake. I was already awake when it happened or rather, when it didn't happen. The sun never rose. Instead, we were left with this pale gray sky, like the sun was covered by layers of smoke. We could still see clearly the sky had just gotten a lot less prettier.

"Well, that's different." I snorted, rolling my eyes at Newt.

"I would think you'd be more concerned."

"Weirder things have happened." He replied with a shrug.

"Weirder than the sun not rising?" Newt just shrugged again. I rolled my eyes at him. Off to my right I heard Minho shouting at Thomas to hurry up because they were already late for their daily run. "They're still going our there?" I questioned as Minho and Thomas sprinted off. Newt nodded.

"Just another day Mallory. Come on, lets go get breakfast." As Newt and I ate together, I listened in on the other conversations around us. It wasn't a surprise that everyone was talking about the sky. Everyone's main concern seemed to be that, with the sun gone, they couldn't grow food anymore.

"Is it going to last long?" A lanky kid asked another.

"How am I supposed to know shank?" I turned to Newt and posed the same question.

"I don't know but.." He paused and just stared at me for a bit. "A lot of strange things have been happening so quickly so I guess it's safe to assume, the sun isn't coming back." Even though I knew this I was still stricken with a little read.

"What do we do then?"

"Well we'll just have to.. Make the food we do have, last. Rationing. The box still comes up every week so we have that too."

"What if that stops coming up too?" Meet frowned at me. "Well, come on, think about it. The sun is gone, the Box stops arriving. They're trying to push us out of here. Make us think harder about the escape route. There has to be an exit through that Maze." Newt pursed his lips and stood up.

"Follow me." So I followed him. We went back to the Big House and entered the map room. "See this?" He asked, pointing at the scale model of the Maze. "That's it."

"That's it? Or you haven't finished it yet."

"No, that's it. This is the Maze in its entirety." I stared at it wide eyed in pretend shock.

"How can that be all of it? We haven't found by way out yet." I demanded but I knew the way out. The Griever Hole. Newt nodded solemnly.

"Minho's ran the entire maze himself and he hasn't found a single thing. We don't know what the Creators want from us."

"There has to be an exit somewhere." I murmured, gingerly touching the edges of the Maze. Newt was staring at me so I caught his eye. He frowned a little.

"Where did you say you woke up again?"

"By the Cliff I guess. That big drop off." I said pointing to it on the map.

"Why would they put you there." He murmured. I shrugged trying to look confused it I loved where this was going. He was going to figure it out. There was an exit there. "Unless, they were trying to tell us something."

"Like what?"

"The exit is somewhere near the Cliff. Mallory, they put you there as a clue." I slowly started to smile. "We have to talk to Minho."


It was a long day of sitting by Teresa and doing absolutely nothing. She hardly even talked in her sleep anymore so it was just endless hours of staring at her. Jeff, Clint and I we're going a bit insane. "Mallory!" Someone called up the stairs, startling me. I popped my head out the doorway and found Newt. He was frowning, eyebrows arched down in an angry V.

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