The Ending

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Thomas came back and apparently had a good nights sleep in the woods. I never saw him but Newt informed me when he got back. "I'll go get him." I said, standing up from my chair by Teresa's bed. Newt put a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back.

"No, you won't." I frowned.


"He's stressed out. You heard him. He thought Teresa was talking to him." I glanced back at her. She probably was talking to him but I wasn't going to vouch for Thomas because it was crazy talk. They'd just as quickly throw me in the Slammer if I confirmed that Thomas could hear Teresa in his head.

"If that's even her name."

"Thomas seemed to think it was." I shrugged. Newt sighed. "Anyways, just let him have a night alone in the woods. Chuck will get him in the morning and then he'll go spend the day in.."

"My favorite place in the world. It's like a second home to me you know." Newt grinned and shoved me a little.

"Shut up you shank. Just stay here, watch the girl and get some sleep." I nodded my head slowly.

"I'll see you tomorrow Newt."

"Goodnight Mallory." I stayed with Teresa most of the night, Jeff came to relive me and I smiled at him sleepily before heading into the room Alby once occupied so I could sleep without hearing Tersa muttering in my ear. I should have known my memories would follow me.

I was probably only seven when they started grabbing new kids. She had told me they were coming but I thought she was just telling me that to make me feel better. I was tired of being around adults. They were always so worried about me and not in the way a seven year old might like.

They were worried in the sense that, if anything bad happened to me, if I got hurt, upset or angry, they would have to pay with their job and possibly their life. I was the golden kid before they started showing up.

Teresa and Thomas were already there but I never saw them until the others began showing up. They were special, but in a different way than me. Maybe even in a more feared way than me.

I met Aris first. He was sweet and either my age or a little older than me. He was also very shy, kind of secretive. We were supposed to be partners, him and I but I would later find out that that wouldn't work. At first, I hated the Creators for it, until she told me I should be glad, especially after what they had planned for whoever was Aris' partner. But I wouldn't find out about that until it was too late.

Sonya I met a little later and we were friends, sort of, we worked in the same area, went to the same class, trained together. But she was wary of me because I slept in the same room as Teresa. A whole ten room dorm for the two of us. We were different, I knew that. I just wish they didn't isolate us like that. Up until the time Sonya went into the Maze, I considered her one of my best friends. And then she forgot about me and nothing mattered.

I don't think they ever wanted me in the Maze, I was a good candidate but the Creators, at least she, would have never allowed it. "You're a risk. You're not like the others Mallory." So I was different, separate, even from the rest of the candidates.

I woke up to hear people rummaging around downstairs. It wasn't even dawn yet, nobody should have been up except.. The Runners. Making my way carefully down the stairs, I followed the light that led to a small room at the back of the Homestead. Two silhouettes were talking quietly in the doorway.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked with a yawn. Thomas whipped around, revealing Minho holding a pair or.. Underwear? "What's that?" I questioned, motioning to it, even though I knew exactly what it was.

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