Killing Then Reviving

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Hydro-Gyarados: I dare someone to kill Jack in secret the revive him (srry I just want to see you suffer) (I had to post twice just in case) I dare someone to kill Jack (secretly of course) then revive him (plz don't kill me I just want to see you guys suffer)

Crazy: Uh, done?

Crazy shares the comment with Me and they start planning.

Dark: What are you guys talking about? Did a new comment roll in? That fast?

Mark: Stop being so curious Dark. They're probably planning a prank on us like last time.

Dark: You are a good kisser.

Mark: So are you, no homo.

Anti: Jack and I love each other. We're both amazing kissers.

Me: Uh, that's a bit narcasistic.

Mark: Yeah.

Crazy: Okay Me, lets do this. You got the pokemon revive?

Me nods. They sneak around, no one caring to see what they're doing. Crazy stabs Jack in the stomach so he suffers before he dies.


Me shrugs.

Anti: I shall avenge you!

Jack curls in a ball, blood running from his mouth.

Jack: A-A-Anti, I will always love you!

Blood splatters everywhere.

Me: Uh, so much for secretly.

Mark: Shut-up Me! This is no time for weird out of place comments!

Me reads the comment aloud, putting the Pokemon full revive in Jack's mouth and making him swallow. Jack gasps, jumping up and punching Crazy.

Jack: That's what you get.

Me: Okay, bye!

Everyone waves, Me giving you cake.

Jack: Why do they get cake? They ordered my pain and suffering!

Jack steals your cake, running away afterwards.

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