Boku no Pico?

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Hydro-Gyarados: YOU EVIL MONSTER HOW DARE TOU STEAL MY CAKE -flips off everyone- You know since you stole my cake I dare you to watch Boku no Pico -laughs evilly-

Me: Uh, we all already watched it. I mean, we had time on our hands when no one commented, sooo.

Dark: Yeah, we were forced to watch it by Me and Crazy.

Jack: I thought it was good.

Anti and Jack stare at each other. Everyone face-palms.

Crazy: You two were making out the entire time!

Jack: Nuh-uh! We only started making out around the middle of the episode!

Me: Of the first episode. We watched an entire season or close to it.

Anti: What? Really?

Mark: Yeah, really. That was a waste of a comment. Bye!

Everyone waves, Me hands cake that looked like a pie so Jack didn't take it.

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