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TrinSepticEye: I dare Anti to... uh... kiss Jack? IDK! It was the first thing that popped into my head!... (Plz dun kill meh Anti... D:)

Anti: Psh, why would I? You only told me to kiss myself. You also wrote about me getting beat up multiple times, and my best friend Dark getting killed. You only-

Jack: We get it, you really want to beat her up.

Dark: You say that! She made you a badass amazing idol and perfect!

Me: Uh, she actually turned him into a bit of an asshole.

Mark: Wait, really?

Crazy: Stop stalling and kiss each other already!

Anti swiftly walks over to Jack, pinning him to the wall and kissing him intensely. Jack blushes at how good of a kisser he is. Anti forces his tongue in Jack's mouth.

Mark: Woah, she only asked for you guys to kiss. Not for a full make-out session. Oof!

Mark is cut off by Dark kicking him. Crazy and Me look at each other. They sneak behind Dark and Mark. Looking at each other, they both give the thumbs up and push Dark and Mark together. Forcing them to kiss. Crazy and Me run away, giggling and hiding behind a table that appeared. Dark glares at the table, it going up in flames.

Me: Ahh! Crazy, help!

Dark throws Me across the room using his tentacles. Crazy stands there laughing.

Crazy: Since Me is a bit busy, bye guys! If you liked give a vote and if you didn't like I'm happy to have a comment war.

Everyone besides Anti, Jack, and Me wave.

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