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TrinSepticEye: SCREW YOU DARK!! XD Imma go think of another question...

I GOT ONE!!! (Warning: This may piss you off, and this is for everyone) Do you wanna build a snowman? C:

Everyone: YEAH! LET'S DO IT!

Author: ... We have no snow.

Trin: I thought you could just create snow out of nothing? Isn't this your dimension?

Author shakes her head.

Author: No. I can't just create something out of nothing. Plus, your powers are more than capable of creating things. You don't even know my powers.

Me: True. I was the one who poof-ed people on her request. I'm capable of creating sparkles.

Crazy: I can create lightning.

Dark: I can form shadows.

Anti: I can create green-ish black slime.

Trin: I can create pink fire.

Jack: I can create green fire.

Mark: I am totally useless.

Author: So am I.

Wilford and Billy: We're capable of touching all of that without dying.

Author: I guess Mark and I could do that too.

Author walks out of the exit for a few minutes, returning with gloves that protect you from anything harmful.

Author: Put these on, Mark. We can now help create the shadow-slime man. I have white dye to make it look like a snow man.

Author throws some of the white dye at everyone.

Me: I'll explain this dye I guess. It changes the color of your power for a set amount of time, permanent if the color is changed to that of your soul.

Everyone nods.

Wilford: Makes sense. Let's create!

A bright white light appears out of everyone's hands besides the four without powers yet. After about ten minutes the white light dies down to reveal a pile of electrocharged- sparkly- shadow-slime that was permanently on white-fire. White embers were falling down, making it seem like it was snowing. Everyone gets to work, doing their best to shape the mound of what they called ESSSper-F snow.

Me: Looking better, Author, while we work can you get power-proof snowman items for our Esper-F?

Author: Sure.

Author walks through the exit into her 'dimension', going to the snow-store and grabbing all the power-proof items needed. She passes a bucket of never-melt snow. She takes that too. Walking into the entrance of the room she walks through the portal that only Trin and her could use.

Author: I have buttons, a carrot, and two working stick-arms. Along with a bucket of never-melt snow.

Me: Good enough.

Everyone put's the finishing details and look at their masterpiece. The snowman turns into it's own entity and joins the conversation.

Trin: WAIT! Don't speak. What should we call him?

Author: His name is.... Esper F Snow?

Esper F Snow: Yup. That's my name.

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