Chapter Twenty-Five: Gilbert Device Part 1

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A/N~ Again I just realized that this happened before the carnival. But I'm a creative dork and I thought of stuff ;)

Chapter Twenty-Five: Gilbert Device Part 1

"Do you know how Caroline is doing?" I asked Elena as she sat down with two bowls of popcorn, along with soda and loads of junk food. We were having a long overdue sleepover.

"Stefan is helping her, trying to get her into the animal blood." I gagged before plopping some popcorn in my mouth.

Elena chuckled. "Is it weird? Being a vampire and all?"

I had forgotten that she knew about me. I'd been caught up in everything that me and her never got to talk about it.

"Not really. It feels kind of natural now." I confessed. The fact I'd been alive since 1400's and died in 1864 I guess I could say I was totally used to it.

"You don't feel scared do you?" She shook her head at my question.

"Not at all. We've known each other our entire lives, I know you'd never hurt me." After that said she embraced me in a hug that I gladly accepted.

As much as I loved hearing those words, I hated how much I'd lied to her. She had a special place in my heart, I couldn't bare telling her that it was all fake.

Once we let go I grabbed the remote and pressed play, starting the movie that made us laugh, scream and smile at the ending.

Elena had fallen asleep while watching the third movie so I decided to take a walk, nowhere specifically, just somewhere. I walked along the sidewalks of the town until I got to the cemetery. I entered and saw a body standing over my gravestone.

What's with everyone and visiting my stone? I thought.

As I got closer, I hid behind trees until I came behind the person, his back faced me. From the smell I was getting I knew instantly who it was.

"Kataline Petrova. I've heard about you." John Gilbert spoke. My eyes widened. He knew who I was?

"And I know your not dead. I may be human but I'm not stupid. I know a fake death when I see one." I covered my mouth to muffle my breaths. He couldn't know.

"I know you can hear me, so listen close." He crouched to level either the gravestone. "I will kill every vampire in this town with an object you're probably familiar with. I'll find you and make you feel pain as I watch you burn."

He got up and looked around. I swear he looked straight at me. He smiled before walking off into the streets. I was shaking because I knew what he was talking about. I knew what he was going to do and how. I walked out of the trees and saw a small note on my gravestone.

As I read the words I gasped, letting it go and fly to the ground. Putting my hairs through my hair I paced back and ND forth, replaying the words in my head.

Hello Clary.


I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I made sure not to wake Elena when I got inside and just laid down, think about how John could be doing this. Not something I'm surprised about, he's just like Johnathan Gilbert, the man who got me killed.

By eight I watched Elena's eyes flutter open and a small smile spread across her face.

"Morning." She whispered before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"How long have you been up for?"

"Not that long." I smiled before standing up and walked to the kitchen to make us coffee.

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