Chapter Twenty-Two: Hospital Beds and Revenge

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Hospital Beds and Revenge

Once we arrived to the hospital we saw Stefan. I ran over and gave him a quick hug. Over his shoulder I saw Bonnie and Elena. I ran to them and hugged them both.

"It'll be okay guys, she'll be okay." I soothed my hurt best friends.

I listened in to Damon and Liz's conversation.

"They don't think she's going to make it." Luz cried into Damon's shoulder.

"She's strong, I'm sure she'll make it." He patted her back in comfort.

I hugged Elena and Bonnie tighter. Never thought one of my friends were going to be on the brink of dying. I let them go and wiped a few of my own tears.

Damon comes over along with Stefan, both with sad looks in their eyes.

"Looks like Caroline isn't doing so well." Stefan sighs. Elena grasps onto him in a hug.

"Well at least for now." Damon smirks while the rest of us look confused.

He rolled his eyes. "You all idiots I swear." He mumbled.

I stifled a laugh at his word, wrong timing.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asks.

"I'll slip her some of my blood, heal her and boom, barbie will be back to health." He smiles at his plan.

"Alright do it." Elena gives a straight smile to Damon.

We all walk out leaving Damon to get to work with Caroline. Even though she was going to get better I still had a sick feeling in my stomach that something was going to go wrong.


The next day Matt, Bonnie and I went to go check up on Caroline. Apperantly she's recovered incredibly well, all thanks to Damon.

We walked in to Caroline watching TV, the moment she saw us she was smiling brightly. She didn't even say any in before I grased her in a hug. She started to laugh.

"Hey, I'm still a little sore." I let out a silent sorry and backed away. Bonnie was next to hug her.

"My turn." Matt said while leaning in, giving her a light kiss. They've been dating for a bit.

"Bonnie Bennett are you crying?" Caroline asked. Bonnie only nodded.

"I'm just glad your okay." Caroline let out an awesome and kept on smiling.

I had to leave early because I wanted to tell everyone the good news. First stop was Elena's, and boy was she happy. I stayed there until about four before going to Stefan and Damon's.

Not both in to knock on the door I entered, not feeling any presence of the brothers.

I pounced onto the couch and laid back, closing my eyes and letting out a breath of relaxation, something I haven't been able to do in a while. Not even a minute later I felt someone's face close to mine, their breath mixed with mine.

"Seriously Stefan." I whined. I knew it was him. I opened one eyes and his face smiled down at me.

"Seriously Clary." I hummed a laugh then rubbed my hands down my face before sitting up, patting the seat beside me for him to sit with me.

"What going on?" I breathed out.

"Nothing, why?"

"Let's go do something." I suggested.

He got up from his spot and walked put the door, moments later I heard an engine rumble to life. My confusion stayed until I walked to the door and a helmet was thrown to me.

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