Chapter Eighteen: The Tomb

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Chapter Eighteen: The Tomb

I sat at the grill drinking a coffee before I was visited by Stefan. He slid into the booth and stared at me.

"What wrong?" He asked right away. Seems like he could see right through me.

"Damon." I sighed his name.

"What did he do this time?" I slightly laughed.

"Just used me to get the Bennett Necklace that's now destroyed to get the tomb open." He should have known this by now.

"Damon seemed pretty us pest last night so I assumed it was because of you. Now I know why, so I'm going to kick his ass now." I chuckled before shaking my head.

"You don't need to do that, I'll be fine. I think I've cried enough tears in my lifetime." He smiled at me.

"I've gotta get going though. Elena's waiting for me." He said getting up, me following his movements.

"Tell her hi for me." He nodded. The next thing I did surprised me.

I hugged him. He wasted no time to hug me back.

"Thank you Stefan." I said. I felt a tingle run through my body.

"For what?" He muffled through my hair.

"Checking up on me." I released him from my clutches.

"Your welcome." He said and walked off and out of the grill.


I sat at the football field watching the blades of grass swing around with the wind. I alway did like wind, it was calming. Plus it kept you cool. Elena was here. I could feel it. I hid behind the bleachers and waited to see.

"What do you want Damon?!" Elena shouted. Damon? He was with her?

"I need you to ask Bonnie to do a spell for me." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"And why would I do that?" She placed her hands on my hips.

"Because I need to get Kataline from inside." I was surprised by this. He said he wanted Katherine.

"I thought you wanted Katherine?" She stated.

"Well I'm getting them both, but I'm taking Kataline with me. She was the one that really loved me. Katherine compelled my love, Kataline didn't, therefore I want her. Once we get her out I will leave and you'll never hear from me again." He explained. He had this all planned out. I was wrong to kiss him, even though he wanted me, Kataline, it was still wrong. I was just a rebound for the day.

"Fine." She finally answered. "I trust you will leave."

"I will." He said.

"What makes you sure she's alive?" She asked.

"She told me."


I sat at my grave reading the writing over and over again. I really wished they knew about me. I should because the spell is wearing off. I saw my black hair become a tad lighter the other day. I just needed the right time. I still had the paper with the spell on it.

I got a call on my phone from Elena.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Come to the old Lockwood property, Stefan will explain once you get there." And she hung up.


I found Stefan in the old Lockwood property waiting for me.

"So what are we doing here?"

His face look a little uncomfortable, and nervous.

"Getting Katherine from the tomb."

We sped to the hole where the tomb was and I jumped down whike Stefan took the steps.

The first people I saw was Bonnie and her grams. I smiled. Then I saw Elena and Damon and my smile faded.

"Grams." I said giving her a big hug.

"Since when have you two know each other?" Damon asked.

"I've known her since I was a child Damon." I said not looking at him. Grams smiled at me knowing I didn't tell them yet.

"Let's get this over with." Bonnie said. "The sooner this is doen, the sooner you can leave." She spoke directly to Damon.

Both the witches started muttering words that soon became louder. With a rumble the door began to slowly open. Once it finally opened Damon grabbed a blood bag and a torch and marched inside. Part of me told me not to follow, but I did anyways. I found him and latched onto his arm. He stopped moving immediately.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Look I may hate you right now, but I don't want you stuck in here alone if it comes to it." I said truthfully. He sighe'd and we continued walking to the end of the tomb. He looked around and suddenly threw the blood bag hard against the wall.

"They're not here!!" He yelled.

"Guys hurry up! We can't hold it that much longer!" Bonnie's voice boomed through the tomb.

"Damon come on!" I tugged on his arm but he wouldn't move.

"She's not here." He whispered.

"DamonI need to tell you something but we have to get out first!" I said and he rushed us out before I saw both of the witches collapse to their knees of exhaustion.

I think I just bribed him out so I could tell him my secret.


I sat in the boarding house while Elena and Stefan had some alone time, I had nothing else better to do.

I poured myself a glass of bourbon and took a sip, staring at the fire, before smashing it into the flames. I fell to my knees and tears began to fall. Keeping this secret was tearing my apart. The spell was unwinding and I was done. I wanted to use the spell. But as soon as I do, Elena will hate me. So will Caroline and Bonnie, Matt and Tyler. Tyler. Oh my god. I forgot about him. I wiped my tears and ran out of the house and sped to Tyler's house.

We may not be in a good relationship, but he was my best guy friend.


I kinda liked this chapter. She sort of forgived Damon, and she remembered her relationship with Tyler. Yeah yeah I know it went no where but I'm ending it now. Do you think Clary/Kataline is gonna reveal her secret? Or no? That'll be revealed next chapter....


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