Chapter Twenty-Four: Carnival Cravings

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Carnival Cravings

Thankfully Damon had found me and took me home, no questions asked. The next day headed over to the town square because Elena wanted me to help out with the carnival since it got canceled last week.

"What in the world is this?" I asked Elena as I held up a really long stuffed animal.

"It's a snake. What'd you think it was?"

"A very colourful and inappropriate surprise that is definatly not for children." She laughed and I dropped the 'snake' on the table of the dart booth.

Bonnie came over with a bunch more of stuffed animals of all sorts in a huge plastic bag. I walked over and gave her a quick hug before turning to Elena.

"Want me to check on everything else?" She nodded and handed me the clipboard. I turned around and walked doen the continuous line of booths and rides being set up. I checked a few things off as I passed by. Suddenly I was pulled behind a booth with my mouth covers by a large hand.

Damon removed his hand just as I was about to bite it.

"This is like when you found out I was a vampire, what do you want now?" I asked.

"I need you to meet me at my house tonight before you come to the carnival." He told me.

"Why?" I was confused.

"I'm going to convice you that I'm capable of caring for someone." He was off when he finished his sentence. Sure I was still kind of mad that he used me but it was the past, I hardly thought about that.

It was true I still questioned his skills for caring for someone, but then again he cared for Stefan one hundred percent. I'd eventually go over there whether I wanted to or not so I might as well.


Around five I went over to the Salvatore house to meet with Damon. When I entered I could feel his presence but he wasn't here. I walked into the living room and saw a photo on the glass table that I hadn't seen before. I picked it up and saw it was of me and him, the one of me laughing and him kissing my cheek.

"I loved her, alot. More than anyone I've ever loved." Damon emerged from around the corner. Time for him to prove himself of caring.

"She was the one for me. She never compelled me, she was human. A beautiful, kind, gentle, caring human. She hopefully shared the same feelings for me but I'll never know. We became closer as the weeks went by. She and Katherine stay for at least a month before they died, or escaped." I listened carefully as he poured his emotions and feelings towards Kataline, his apparent true love.

"The day of her birthday, the last one when I was with her, I gave her a diamond necklace. There was something inside it, but I never told what it was. I was waiting for the right moment. It thought the right moment was the night she was ripped away from me. I was going to ask her to crush the diamond because there was a ring inside. I was going to ask her to marry me, so I could be with her forever." I almost started to cry. I never knew that he cared that much for me. I could have been Kataline Salvatore with little Salvatore children.

"I imagined that we would live in a nice house, spend at least five years together before we had children. At nights I would rub her shoulders, tell her how much Ioved her, then we'd cuddle until we fell asleep." I wanted to tell him right there and then that I was Kataline, the girl he was going to ask to marry, the girl would was deeply in love with him, the girl that would make beautiful children with him if they could. But I couldn't.

"I-I see how much you care, but you didn't have to go into that much detail." I said rubbing my arms. He only stared at me.

"I needed to tell you everything. Because she was the only person that made me feel that way." He took a few steps toward me.

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