Chapter 20 (WHAT?!)

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A/N: Fluff alert :)

„Hey there PJ, I just wanted to quickly ask you something!" Phil said into his phone that was stuck between his ear and his shoulder while he was gathering a bunch of things.

"Sure what is it?" He heard PJ's alienated voice through the speaker.

"I was just wondering if I am allowed to bring my laptop today? I just wanted to show Dan some music and videos and stuff." Phil asked, shoving his laptop into his galaxy backpack, already expecting a yes.

"Sure Phil, no problem. But I should get going, I have my visit at Dan's before you come then." PJ stated, clearly in a hurry.

"Okay, see you then. Bye!" Phil said a farewell and pressed the red button on his screen.

He felt really bubbly today, because of all the good news. Dan seemingly got better and better, Phil had found Dan's parents and he was allowed to show Dan some of the most important things to him. He wanted to show him a video of himself that he was very proud of, as well as some songs of the band Muse, where they discovered earlier that they were both fans of the band. He just really wanted to get Dan included into the normal life again. In the end, if Dan actually wanted to live with him, he should just feel as a normal person, watching video or movies, listening to music and enjoying his life.

Dan wasn't ordinary that was certain. But Phil knew that this was something Dan was really insecure about and Phil didn't want Dan to be awkward around him because he felt different. Phil wanted to give him all the opportunities to Phil as normal as possible.

However, Phil really didn't mind. He liked Dan with all of his flaws and imperfections. Dan maybe felt weird about being in psychiatry, having mental health issues or have such a bad past, but it was at this point just normal for Phil. In the contrary, he even admired Dan for his strength in all these bad situations that other people would fail at. Even if Phil told Dan this regularly, it didn't change a thing and he accepted that. Nevertheless, he wanted Dan to feel at ease when he was with Phil and later in Phil's apartment; he wanted Dan to feel like home.

But then it struck Phil that Dan might not even want to live with him. Since the day Phil came out to him and told him that he was in love with Dan, he didn't speak to him much anyway. Did Phil really make this entire thing up in his head? He really believed that Dan felt the same way for him, or at least something. Or maybe he was just unsure of everything. It was quiet a stressful time for him already, it didn't help that Phil crashed into his life and changed it even more.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring again. He picked it up, as it was laying face flat on the surface of his desk. As he saw that PJ was calling again, he didn't really know what to expect. Maybe PJ just forgot to tell him something.

"Yeah?" Phil answered.

"Phil, please come as soon as you can!" PJ stated, obviously trying to catch his breath.

"W-why what happened?" Phil worried.

"I just went to visit Dan and he cut himself again, badly. You need to come, see you soon." PJ hurried and hung up the phone, without Phil having any chance to ask or say something.

It felt like the world was crashing down on him. Everything was fine until now. Phil was under the impression that Dan was getting better, he even promised not to cut anymore?! Why would he still do it?

Suddenly, Phil started to feel guilty. He could just imagine a few reasons why Dan would do that. Whether it was that Phil told him that he was in love with Dan and he just couldn't handle that, or it was that regardless of Phil, Dan's feelings were still as bad as at the start.

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