Chapter 20- Awakening

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The last thing I remembered was searing pain shoot through my body like a rocket. I collapsed to the floor and saw Jack, who was banging on the invisible wall and screaming. He looked like he was going to kill someone, but yet also like he was gonna cry. I saw him break through and start running, but that's when I faded.

I was left to my own thoughts and the numb pain seeping through.

My thoughts were interrupted by voices swirling, spinning and twisting through my head. I didn't realize what they were saying at first but then I knew. It was my name. I opened my eyes and was blinded by crystalline white light. Then I saw the shadow. It was in my vision, until it cleared up and materialized into a person. But not just a person. Jack.

I tried to lift my arm to reach to him but it didn't move, as if it was a separate piece. Then I tried again and it lifted slightly, but the pain shot up my arm and felt like fire. I let out an involuntary whimper and Jack whipped his head to me. He saw that my eyes were open. He called out to someone, but I couldn't hear. He looked back to me and I saw that he looked......Different. His cheeks and under his eyes were puffy, as if he'd been crying.

I tried to lift my arm again and the pain was gone. I tried to sit up and felt white hot pain in my back. I laid back and let out another suppressed moan. Jack rested his hand on my shoulder, leaned in and kissed me again. There was something about when he kissed me, it was like my pain just melted away. I laid back, just taking in the moment, when I faded out again....


I was sitting anxiously, waiting for her to wake up. I heard a soft whimper behind me. I whipped my head to see Glacė, my Glacė, looking to me and trying to smile. I called to North when she tried to sit up. She released a suppressed moan and I placed my hand on her shoulder. I decided the best thing to do was kiss her, to ease her pain and calm her down. She did, and when I pulled back, she had fallen back to sleep


"Hey all you people,

Hey all you people will you listen to me!!"

- Fred Reiches

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted there to be some filler in between. I have not yet decided how to reveal who "he" is yet, but when I do, it will be posted immediately!

Adiõs for now,

-Emily Q

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now