Chapter 6- Nightmares

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After about three hours, we decided we were too tired to continue any further. We had lowered a sizeable amount, from almost 50 feet to 5 is a large distance. We went inside, and Ice glided into the kitchen(hovering, not walking) and returned with 4 glasses of a golden liquid. She seemed to be struggling a bit. Jack, noticing this, glided over and grabbed two glasses from her.

"Thanks Jack." She said, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

"No problem kiddo."

"What is this stuff?" I asked, when Ice passed me a glass of the mysterious liquid

"Amvrosia." Ice said, taking a sip of hers.

"Don't worry, it's delicious." Xeo said, emerging from the shadows.

"Whatever you guys say." I said, taking a sip.

It tasted of cherries, honey and vanilla. It was the best thing I've ever tasted. It flowed smoothly down my throat, and felt like that feeling you get when you drink hot chocolate, you know, warm and welcoming. I feel an addiction coming on.

They were all looking at me intently, wondering if I liked it.

"It's amazing." I said simply.

"I knew you would like it." Ice said, beaming at me.

Then it struck me. She looked like Sophia. But that story is for another time.

We spent the next few hours laughing and talking. Then we decided we would head to bed. Jack guided me down the hall, to where my room was to exist. He passed me a staff with a rounded edge, similar to his own, but slightly different.

"What is this for?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Just watch." He said

He took my hand in his, and guided my hand to touch the staff to the door. The door melted away, revealing my bedroom. He released my hand and swung his arm, to display the room to me. I was in shock. It looked like a cabin. It had the wood paneling on the walls, and dark wood flooring. My bed had a blue bedspread, with white sparks peaking from the top, all the way down it. The pillowcases were gray. There was a large painting of me on the wall.

"I love it Jack..." I said, in wonderment

"We'll, I hoped you would." He said, rubbing his elbow and blushing.

"Thats so sweet. Well, thanks a lot. It's perfect."

And out of nowhere, I hugged him. Not just a weird hug or anything, it was more like when you half jump into someone's arms and wrap your arms around their neck. It was like that.

"Oh, uh, your welcome." He said, a little startled by my gesture.

I released him and stepped back. It was my turn to blush. But then, he did something I wasn't expecting. He put his hand to my face, and he cradled it in his hand. He leaned in, and.....

"AHHHH!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What the..?" Jack said, looking around, his hand retracting from my face.

I looked around, and we came to the conclusion it wasn't in my room. We sped out of my room and into the hall. We ran around the corner, and ended up running straight into Xeo and Akull.

"What's going on?" Xeo and Akull said at the same time.

"Dunno." Me and Jack replied at the same time, like twins.

"Well, we should check it out, huh." Akull said, looking around the room, inspecting for intruders.

"Yep." I agreed.

"JACK!!!!!!!" Pagos screamed. "IT'S ICE!!! HELP ME!!"

Jack shot down the hall, and started pounding on Pagos and Ice's door frantically.

"PAGOS, LET ME IN!!!" He yelled, still pounding on the door. The door melted, and Jack fell into the dark room. "PAGOS, WHAT'S GOING ON???" Jack screamed.

"OVER HERE!!" He yelled in reply.

We all ran to the bedside, where Pagos was shaking Ice rapidly. "Come on, wake up sis."

He whispered to her. She was not responding, but she was still screaming.

"JACK, DO SOMETHING!!" Pagos yelled frantically.

Jack took his staff, and touched it to Ice's forehead. The staff started to glow, but had no affect on Ice's constant screeching.

"Let me try" Akull said intently. This situation made him seem less heartless than I thought.

That thought was diminished when he shoved Jack and Pagos to the ground. Pagos hit his head on the ground with a harsh thud. I looked over to the 13 year old boy, as a single tear slid down his cheek. Akull touched Ice's hand and held it within his own, and whispered something into her ear. She kept wailing, and he retracted from her, turning away.

"Let me try something." I said strongly.

I looked to Jack. He nodded, and I proced to the little girl. I touched her heart lightly, and closed my eyes.


I saw her surrounded by large, black, menacing horses, all of which were slowly enclosing her . She was crying and screaming. I ran forward and pushed through the horses, and grabbed her, and held her closely. All the horses faded away, and her screaming retracted to mere crying.

"It's ok, I'll keep you safe." I whispered to her.


My eyes flashed open, and I didn't hear any screaming. I looked around, and all of the guys were staring at me. Not Pagos though, he was hugging his sister, silently sobbing.

"How..How did you do that....?" Jack said, his voice trailing off in shock at what I had achieved.

"I...I don't know..."

Pagos looked to me, tears now silently streaming down his face. He leapt to me, and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, and looked into his watery eyes, and saw a scared, thankful 13-year-old.

"What did you see?" Pagos asked me


"What did you see, you know, when you were in her mind."

"I wasn't in her mind, I was in her dream. Actually, it was more like a nightmare."

Pagos gasped at the word nightmare, and so did the others.

"What am I missing?" I asked.

Jack grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the hallway.

"Nightmares are the work of Pitch Black. The nemesis of all of us, and the Guardians. He nearly destroyed all of us. We defeated him, or so we think." He explained. " we're there any horses in the dream?" He asked intently, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, they were circling around her.

"Oh no..." Jack trailed off.

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now