Chapter 16- Aftermath

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After all the chaos was done, we all decided to get to work. I was putting furniture back in its position with Tooth. Pagos was watching Ice as she slept. Jack was asleep with a concussion, declared by North. He was being watched by Sandman. And all the while, Newbs was getting a slap down from North and Bunny. She was NOT ready to join us. Not yet..

After putting the couch back in its orientation, Newbs came down the hall, her head hanging low. I smiled slightly at her getting yelled at from someone other than ME. I placed the cushions back on the couch and sat, when North spoke.

"She vill be coming back to the North Pole vith me.. To train." North said, his accent thick as peanut butter.

I nodded, and turned back to the furniture, secretly rolling my eyes. After the last piece of furniture was set back in place, I flopped onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. After a while, I drifted to sleep....


I woke suddenly, and my head felt heavy. I looked around the room to see if anyone was inside, but I got a big headache and closed my eyes. I had nothing else to do, so I stared to think. I thought about what would happen if I hadn't brought this mystery girl home. If I hadn't one with ice to see Jamie. If I hadn't met Jamie. Would things be the way they are now


I woke up a few hours later, half in the couch and half on the floor. I stood up and went into the kitchen to get a snack. After I got a glass of amvrosia, I spun on my heels and faced the fridge. There were lots of things in it. Butter, cheese, broccoli (eww), eggs, cinnamon, lemons, milk, apples, bananas. There was also flour and sugar on the counter. I decided to do what was necessary......

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now