Chapter 5- The Tour, The Snowballs.

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"And first we have the kitchen, fully equipped with all the necessities. Stove, microwave, fridge..." Jack said, counting off all the appliances on his fingers.

"Wow, this is crazy... How did you get all this?" I asked, looking around.

"North's yetis." Ice chimed in cheerily.

"Again, nice way to be discreet." Pagos said, nudging her again.

"We don't need to be discreet with her, she's one of us, remember." Jack said, exiting the kitchen, heading to a long hallway. "Here's Ice and Pagos' room, and across is Xeo and Akull's room. My room is next one on the left, and yours is being created."

"Thanks, do you know when it'll be finished?" I asked.

"Nope, but hopefully soon, the yetis are very quick workers."

"That's good to know, but what do you guys do for fun?"

"Well we have snowball fights, and go ice-skating outside" Ice said happily, heading to the door.

"Awesome" I said. " Shall we?"


"Of course, LET'S GO!!!" He said running out the door, and shooting into the sky.

I laughed, and follow them. I Looked up, and hoped that I could fly. I closed my eyes, leapt up, and spread my arms wide. I felt the wind lifting me. I opened my eyes, and saw Jack 2 feet away from me. He opened his fingers, blew into them, and a snowball formed out of thin air. He grinned, and pointed down at Ice. I nodded, and he whizzed it at her. It hit her right on the head.

"Ow, Jack your gonna pay for that!" She yelled, and shot up to us.

"Whatcha gonna do, Ice, throw a weak snowball at me?" He said, mocking her, and laughing

"I've been practicing."

She quickly formed a snowball, and chucked it at Jack while he was still laughing. It hit him square in the stomach, and he flew back several feet.

"Nice." I said to Ice

"Thanks." She said, beaming, when another snowball hit her in the face. "JACK!! YOUR DEAD!!"

"Here, let me try." I said. I blew into my hands, and watched intently as a snowball the size of a baseball formed in my hands. I chucked it at Jack, and nailed him in the face.

"How dare you!" He said, in a straight face paired with a mock-military sergeant voice.

"Ha, how does it feel to be pegged by a girl? Not fun, is it Jack?" Pagos said, shooting up.

"Woah, are you all gonna gang up on me, it that what's happening?" He said, backing up.

The three of us looked at eachother, and nodded at Jack.....

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now