Chapter 8- The Traitors

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I woke up to the sunlight glistening through the icy window. I exited my bedroom and walked down the hall to find Jack, Ice and Pagos in the kitchen. Jack was making waffles and Ice seemed very happy about it. Jack had just flipped one of the waffles, when a loud alarm went off. Jack let the waffle hit the floor, turned off the fire, and disappeared down the hall, followed by Ice and Pagos. As we walked past the bedrooms, Xeo and Akull exited their rooms, rubbing sleep out of their eyes. Jack entered a room down the hall I hadn't noticed yesterday.

As soon as he entered, the alarm silenced, and a large man in a red shirt appeared on a large screen

"Jack, I see you have found the new member."

"Yep, she's right here." He pulled me into view, and I waved

"Hello there, uh...."

"North, pleasure to meet you, sorta." He replied with a cheery smile.

I felt myself being shoved, and I bet you can guess by who. Yep, Akull pushed me out of the way, grabbed Jack's sweatshirt collar, and dragged him outside.

"Nice to see you Akull." North said, waving through the screen. Ice then decided to fill Jack's spot.

"Hello Ice, how've you been?

"Really good actually...." She decided to explain every tiny detail of me coming to the team

I decided to veer away from that conversation, and I snuck my way to the door, and decided to, kinda, eavesdrop a little.

"I don't trust her, how did she magically just fix Ice, it's really shady." Akull said roughly

"I have to agree." Xeo said

"Come on guys, this is crazy, I've done things spontaneously before, she's harmless." Jack said defendingly.


I swung the door open instantly, and saw Jack slumped on the floor, and Akull and Xeo rushing away.

"Jack, what happened?

"They smashed my head into the wall. Then they left."

"Ok, well, lets get you to bed."

He nodded, and then he passed out.


My eyes fluttered open, and my head was spinning, my vision focused, and I saw Glacé's flowing white hair. I tried to prop myself on my elbow, but I instantly gained a terrible headache. I collapsed back against the wall, groaning in the process.

"You need to get to bed, like now." She said urgently, worry in her eyes

I nodded, and she placed her arm under mine, and pulled me up to my feet. I almost fell over, but she let me lean on her. Together, we hobbled to the door.

"Where's your staff?" Glacé said, looking around.

"Ice." I said weakly

"Oh, ok." She replied quietly. "Ice, come here please." She said urgently.

"....and then we had a snowball fight and...,What?"

"Come here please."

"Ok, gotta go North, see ya later."

She came into the hall and saw the situation, and my slumped body position.

"Uh.......What happened to you?" She asked, stunned.

"Not important right now, do you know where his staff is?" She asked urgently.

I kinda heard Ice's response, but it sounded distant. I felt my eyelids close, and my body lurched downwards.


"It's, in the kitchen, I think..." She said, putting her finger to her chin, deep in thought.

"Get it please." I responded, more roughly than intended.

"Ok." She said, hurrying into the kitchen.

Then I realized Jack wasn't conscious.

"Come on Jack, Just a little longer." I whispered into his ear quietly.

As I was repositioning Jack, Ice returned from the kitchen, Jack's staff over her shoulder. She touched it lightly l to the door, and watched in awe as the door melted away. I half stepped, half fell into his room. It was strangely clean, especially for a teenage boy. It looked like my bedroom as well, you know, the whole cabin thing. It was nice. I placed him on his bed, and saw a figure peering in from the window across the room.

"Ice, stay here." I said. "Get Jack an ice cold rag, and put it on the back of his neck. Get some freshly fallen snow, and sprinkle it over him. Get Pagos to help you. I'll be right back."

I walked out of Jack's room, and out of the house. I shot into the sky, looking for the creep that was staring inside......

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now