Chapter 1- The Center

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My eyes flashed open, and my throat burned.

I couldn't see.

I was surrounded by darkness.

I felt myself being lifted, and felt the cool, yet warm, glow of the moon. I was mesmerized. I felt the ground beneath my feet, and shuddered. I didn't know where I was, but I was outside. It was snowing, but I felt nothing. I looked down at the ground, and I was standing on.....Ice? How was I standing on ice? I soon realized I was barefoot, and felt nothing, as if I were completely numb. I looked back at the moon, and heard a strong voice. It seemed as if it was coming directly from the large glowing orb lighting up the sky so beautifully.

"You need to find your center. Along your journey, you will face many unexpected tasks. You only have one chance Glacé."

The voice faded away, and the moon seemed to fade slightly as well. I didn't know what to do. I looked back at the ice and saw a pale face, surrounded by cascades of silver hair, about mid-arm length. I looked down at myself, and saw that it was me. What happened to the blonde hair, only shoulder length. I was wearing a shirt, that reached just past my elbows, and it was ice blue. Also, I was wearing silver, mid-calf pants, that looked like they were wrapped around like gauze. They reflected the moonlight like millions of stars. Next thing I knew, I was on the ice. Every step I took turned the still water into ice.

I spun, my arms raised, and saw a long, curved stick on the ground, across the ice. I slid over to it, and touched it. It instantly became icy, but only where I touched it. I flinched, before realizing i had done it. I held it in my hand, and the ice spread slowly across the stick to where the rest of my hand touched it.

I smirked, and spun the stick in my hand, feeling a sudden urge of energy flow through my, as if ice water was pumping through my veins.

I touched the stick to the ground, and watched as the water froze, small crystals of ice spreading over the still surface of the water. I smiled at the beauty of it, and did it until the whole lake was frozen.

An idea popped into my head, and it decided to experiment.

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now