Chapter 14- Old Friend, New Friend (Pt. 1)

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I sat awake that night. I was remembering the worst day in a long time.. I remember Ice's tight grip around my neck, her tears on my shoulder. Her innocent heart shattering with one event. Pagos was trying to be the strong one, for his sister I'm guessing. He's too young for that, he's only 12. I'm the one that's supposed to be strong, not him...


After I saw Jack's face when he saw Xeo, I felt horrible. The reason they fought was because of me. If I wasn't here, they wouldn't have fought, and Xeo and Akull wouldn't have run away, and Xeo wouldn't be dead. I knew that things were more serious than just snowballs and fun-times. It was bigger than that. I looked out the window, up to the moon.

"What did I do wrong? How did things come to this? How could I have changed this?" The questions just kept coming.

The moon didn't answer any of them. I sighed and retreated from the window, and plopped on my bed. I stared at the ceiling, hoping sleep would come.

---------4 HOURS LATER----------


I walked the halls silently, hoping no one would awaken due to the occasional creaking of the floor. I had made it to the door, when I heard a creak behind me. I turned slowly to see Ice, her eyes looking directly at mine.

"Where you going Jack?"

"To see a friend, I'll be quick, I promise."

"Is it Jamie, I've always wanted to meet him. He's my age, isn't he?"

"Do you want to come with me, he'll see you for sure." I said, a grin spilled across my face

Her face brightened, and she glided to her room. After a few minutes, she returned, and we went off to Jamie's house.

----------2HOURS LATER

After a few hours, we were in his town. I flew to his house, and frosted the window over. He turned and ran to the window. He opened it, and we came in.

"Hey Jamie." I said simply.

"Hi Jack, what brings you here."

"Well, I have someone I want you to meet. Her name is Ice, and she's about your age. I was wondering if maybe you could see her."

"Well, I dunno. I didn't see you at first. It might take a little bit. Can she do anything special?"

"Yep, she sure can. Ice, show him." I said to Ice.

She nodded, beaming. She closed her hands around each other, and shut her eyes as if she was concentrating really hard. Her hair glowed for a second, then faded back to white. I looked back to the rest of the room, and saw all of Jamie's winter memories floating around, made of snow. Even when he was sledding with me a few years ago.

Jamie's mouth was wide open, and I'm sure mine was too. It was if she had gotten into his mind, and recreated all the happy moments with snow.

"Wow..." Jamie said, disbelievingly.

"So, can he see me?" Ice said.

Jamie's eyes instantly darted to where Ice was standing. He looked at her as if in a trance. She beamed at him, and he started to blush. She leapt over to him, and hugged him tight. They both toppled over onto his bed. And she giggled. After a minute, she removed herself from him, and

She returned to my side. I looked out the window, and saw the sun far in the distance.

"Well, we better get going. You ready Ice?" I asked her

"Of course." She said happily, steeping to the window.

She leapt out, and I followed, and we were off.

--------2 HOURS LATER

We were heading past the lake, as I saw a dark spot against the white snow. I lowered, and Ice followed. As we got lower, I could tell it was a person. Their hair was white, like ours, and I knew she was a new member.

She had long, straight hair, tied back with a pale blue ribbon. Her dress was ripped and frayed at the bottom, and looked a little big on her. The shoulder straps were sliding off her shoulders. She also had some hair in her face. The dress was just above her knees, but some of the ripped strands were past her knees. She had a shawl around her shoulders, that was strewn across her like a blanket. Her skin was pale, and she had a staff. It had ice drops at the handle. I picked her up, and we headed back home.

--REWRITING--Frozen( Rise Of The Guardians Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now