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One year later

Frank laughed hysterically at Jamia’s face. She scrunched it up cutely, and Frank knew he couldn’t not like it. They had been like pen and ink for two weeks, after Frank had met her in a CD store. Jamia stood up.

“Frankie, your lip ring is so cute, I can’t get over it!” she exclaimed, her voice smooth. Frank’s face fell. It was the one Gerard had given to him.

“You alright?” she asked, worried. He quickly brought up a smile. “Yeah,” he replied. “I just remembered something.” At this, she giggled. An hour later, they fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning was unbearably beautiful. The sunrise peeked over the faraway hills that Frank saw out of his window. He had a beautiful girl with him, after he classified himself as bisexual. The tree by his room, however, had been cut down and the stump covered in soil to create a garden, even if nobody had decided to plant anything yet. He could smell the fresh air pouring into his room, and it made the hairs on his scarred but healing arm stand up.

“Frankie, look!” squealed Jamia. He drifted his eyes toward where she was pointing in the sky. “The letter W!” replied Frank, as enthusiastically as he could without it sounding fake. All that cloud did was remind him of Gerard Way. Jamia, as if on cue of that thought, looked at the small heart frame on his dresser. She frowned and gestured toward it.

“What’s that?” she said with a hint of suspicion. Frank, like the emotional screw-up he was, sniffled. “Someone I miss,” he whispered. Why did he keep coming up these few weeks? Again, he repeated, “Someone I miss.” and excused himself for a smoke.

Mikey laughed like a drunkard as he pelted eggs at Frank’s car. Ray stood behind him, watching nervously. It was extremely early in the morning, but Mikey was still drunk. Ray didn’t drink, but he didn’t argue with Mikey about his habits either.

“That’s what he gets for letting my brother die!” He shouted in a slurred voice. Ray, jiggling his ‘fro violently while shaking his head, walked off. However, Mikey – still smiling – kept up with the egging, and bent over to grab a can of spray paint. He stood back up to be face-to-face with a wreck of a Frank. The smell of cigarettes wafted into Mikey's nostrils.

“You really think I would have let Gerard kill himself if I had the choice?” he whispered. 

Mikey stood speechless where he was.

Frank kicked away the spray cans and stalked away.

And Mikey saw the bottle of pills he was holding.

But You're Beautiful to me (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now