Well, Glad to Have This Cleared Up

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"Lindsey, I'd like you to meet Frank." said Gerard slowly breaking the silence. Lindsey gave a quick polite smile and looked at Frank. In return, he scowled and turned his head away. Gerard, noticing everything, gave Frank a warning look and started to explain why everything was happening.

- - -



That's what I get for being such an idiot. Frank thought. Did he really get mad at Gerard, fucking ignore him, and cut because of this? Because some drunk was threatening Gerard?
The three sat at the table with mugs of coffee, and occasionally, Linsdey would burst out in tears and it took close to 10 minutes to get her to calm down after.
Still talking about how they could stop this, and to no success, a sudden noise came from the entrance area. They all stopped dead silent and turned their attention towards the door. Soon enough, a slightly tall woman, quite old, came in. Her skirt and tank top looked as if she had come from a party, and her sunglasses covered quite a bit of her face. This is probably none other than Lindsey's mom, thought Frank. He saw her turn a little pale and then she addressed her mum.

"Yeah?" she said, almost timidly. Her mom, Kara (Sorry I just made up a name for her ;-;), smiled. Gerard cringed at the sight of it.

"How's you and your boyfriend?" she said, as if she were talking over the sound of an engine. Gerard looked down. Lindsey, obviously furious, stood up and met Kara's eyes.

"He is not my boyfriend and he won't be if I don't want him to be." Lindsey's voice echoed around the kitchen with a cold manner. The boys flinched at this, but Kara only grinned wider.

"Suuure. But, my dear, wouldn't it be a shame, if word got out that he was, say, gay?" Kara let out every word with a mocking insincerity. Gerard soon stood up, now containing a smile.

"Yes, it might be a shame, ma'am." he replied. Now, with an even more mocking tone, he said, "But wouldn't it also be a shame if, for some crazy reason, this was true?"

Kara looked him dead in the eyes with her smile wiped off. She grabbed her purse and made for the door, muttering "faggot"  to herself. The three started laughing hysterically, and Kara turned around with a vicious look and slammed the door from outside. Soon, after the laughing died down, they all joined in a celebratory group hug. Yeah, spread rumors. At least they won't be lies.

(I'm sorry I'm losing inspiration ;-; Meanwhile, look at the reads and votes! :D)

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