White Sparrows

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Darkness. Wind. Cold. There was nobody else, and Mikey knew he shouldn't have been following his brother. Gerard had gone down an alley and now he stood atop a highway bridge. Mikey hid in the bushes by the side. He could see the bulge in Gerard's coat pocket; a bottle of alcohol he stole from Mikey's room. Gerard closed his eyes, barely even conscious. He took a breath and leaned even closer to the edge. Mikey gasped in horror

- - -

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Frank, who had been sent back to The Green Room, huddled in the corner. He had a sense of doom, washing over him. Where was Gerard? Hadn't he wanted to come see what was supposed to be his boyfriend?

- - -

Mikey's adrenaline pumped through him, and he sprinted toward his now pretty-much-falling brother. Given it wasn't a big distance, he made it in time to catch him by the arms and he hauled him up from the air. Gerard was a crazy fuck, but Mikey knew he had to get him home safely.

- - - 

The pain in Gerard's head was enough to make him believe he was burning in Hell. He almost knew so, until he opened his eyes.


- - -

Frank watched slowly as a man slowly opened the door. He looked up with huge eyes. Was Gerard here?
Watching expectantly, Frank sat on the edge of his seat. In came a furious Mikey. Mikey? Furious? Wasn't he the guy who was always unemotional? Behind him was Gerard, half-dazed. This got Frank standing.

"What the fuck happened?" he shouted. Mikey fought back tears. "This fucker tried to fucking jump of a bridge!" he replied, equally as angry. He then stormed out. Frank knew Gerard was drunk. He pulled Gerard towards him and he sat on the floor with him. Frank held him in his arms while Gerard just sat, resting on his boyfriend's chest. "You idiot..." whispered Frank. It wasn't a mad tone anymore, just worried. Gerard whimpered and let Frank hold him and kiss his head softly.

- - -

Gerard knew he was safe as long as he was with Frank. He wasn't going to go to school anymore, only if Frank goes, too. Then he would never have to worry, right? He felt Frank plant a kiss on his head, making him look into his light emerald eyes.
"Your piercings," breathed Gerard. Frank nodded. "They're gone. They said it wasn't safe for me to keep them in." They both felt quite happy until the caretaker came in.
"Come on, Frank! Your appointment is in 15 minutes!" he yelled.
"Can't you see I've got a drunk boyfriend to take care of?" he replied. The caretaker rolled his eyes and walked back out. They faced each other, and drew in closer. They kissed until Gerard fell asleep in his lap.

(I'm trying my hardest to make long chapters. If you read this, can you please comment? I want to know if I only have two readers or not .-.)

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