Not Again

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"Gerard Arthur Way." said a voice from outside the hall. Frank, almost at tears again, could only see their head in the daylight. They had their hair in a neat bun, but they looked a bit stocky. Gerard looked up at her, his back facing Mikey and Frank.
"Gerard Arthur Way, get back in your room and apologize! If he's ever going to be your friend - or something more - you turn around and say sorry!" At this, Frank guessed it was his mum. Did she know Gerard was gay then? Well, she seemed to, of course. Frank watched as Gee slowly turned around. He stepped back in his room, almost with hesitation. Mikey, responding to a gesture by his mom, shuffled out, and shut the door behind them. The silence now made Frank's ears ring. Gerard opened his mouth to mutter something, but Frank starting blurting out things.

"Gerard, you don't understand. I don't know why I did that. For God's sake, I love you. Did you not see me shy around you at school? We've only known each other for a few days, but I haven't met anyone quite like you. I wouldn't give up on you if I tried. I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets." A tear fell from Frank's eye. "I hate you. I love you. I want you. I don't want to be the person that has only one friend, I want that person who has no friends, but a person who will not give up on them, and will love them forever. I love you." by the time Frank got to the last part, his voice was barely a whisper and Gerard came over, lifted him up from his bloody ankles, and held him as tight as possible without hurting him. Then he sat down with him, and they leaned forward -- and kissed. Frank's first kiss, Gerard's first kiss -- the spark between them was confirmed, and galaxies were merged. They broke apart and looked into each others eyes; they saw the love and the fire burning bright within each other. Frank knew he would never feel the same way again. Gerard, still hugging him, said, "I'm so sorry, why did I ever doubt?" Frank let out a giggle. Soon, They heard cheering out from the hallway. "Really, mom?" called out Gerard, and the two fell over laughing, still looking at each other. They lay there for a while, not minding the fact that Mikey was now blasting music and his mother was laughing still. Frank knew, and Gerard knew, that this was the closest two souls could ever be.

(It ain't done you little pitchforks! Wait for more! I just needed to create this so people wouldn't die without the update XD)

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