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Frank looked back at the past weeks. So many small troubles that caused Gerard and him to drift away at times, yet a sense of undying passion brought them back together.

"You okay?" Mikey asked Frank, who sat on the bed of his room. Frank looked up with red eyes that hadn't slept.

"Do you think I am?" he said with a raspy voice that faltered. Mikey looked away.

"I mean, I'm really sorry that Gerard killed himself, I know that everyone wants to find his body too. The note he left wasn't enough information to tell where he is." Frank looked at Mikey, and their eye contact broke shortly after. Frank's piercings were back in; he had stolen them from the lockers downstairs.

Why did Gerard do that?

There's one thing they'll never take from you

What on Earth? Frank looked around from the shred of paper in anger. Was this some sick joke? Because that was Gerard's writing. Maybe that's what Mikey said he wanted to bring over, but he hadn't arrived yet. The green of the room that was supposed to make him calmer just forced him to yell out in frustration, his voice making his throat feel grated. He attacked the wall with such fury, having his tattoos on his knuckles stain red with blood. Eventually, three workers burst in and pulled him away from everything, though he struggled and struggled to break free. His efforts were useless. Everyone had a better grip on life than him.

- - -

Life was no longer making sense. The best of the best were on their way to death, while the complete opposite thrived. The Earth had no mercy for anyone. People no longer thought differently. So for those who don’t fit society’s mould, learn to swim or you will drown.

- - -

Sigh. First day of school out of the mental hospital, and without Gerard.


Frank’s breath quickened. He couldn’t live without Gerard, because it was Gerard who made his world go ‘round, his life worth living. They had found a totalled, destroyed body that bore a resemblance to him. There was absolutely no fucking way Gerard could have done this to him.

(Don't be fooled by the title, it isn't the end, there's more) 

But You're Beautiful to me (Frerard)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin