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Frank lay awake in bed, listening to the quiet sound of wind blowing in the trees. Just before he dozed off, he heard a louder rustle. He sat up, trying to listen for it. Soon he heard a slight tap on the window. He jolted out of bed, wearing only his boxers. He raised up the covered window to see Gerard sitting on a treebranch, very close. He gasped audibly. 
"Gerard! Where's your coat? Why are you here?" He demanded, as loud as he dared without waking his mother. Gerard didn't answer. He only asked, "May I come in?"

Frank went to put a T-shirt on, and Gerard sat on his bed. Frank plunked down beside him. "Dude! Why are you awake?" Frank asked again. Gerard looked away. Frank heard quick breaths from him, and it only took one more second to realize Gerard was crying. He immediately put his arm around him. Coincidentally enough, they were both wearing Blink-182 T-shirts. Gerard felt a tinge of longing as Frank touched his shoulder. 
"I... I needed to see you; it's hard to explain..." stuttered Gerard. Frank replied, "Well, we've got all night. Shoot." And Gee told him about his severe depression, and how he was afraid of taking antidepressants. Only with Frank, he felt okay during his downfall. Frank listened with such attention that made him feel secure. At the end, Frank gave him a hug from the side and they stayed like that for a while. Gerard looked into Frank's eyes. Wow, they were such a brilliant green, even in the low light of his lamp. He leaned into Frank, letting their foreheads touch. The one thing that Gerard had been unsure of, had always been afraid of, was confirmed: He was gay. Not bisexual, not pansexual - He knew all he wanted was Frank, and Frank only.
Frank drew even closer, so Gerard could feel Frank's new lip ring against his own lips. But Frank drew back. Why? Not even he knew. He just felt the need to push back. Gerard looked up with wide eyes, soon tearing up again. Frank tried to explain. "N-no, it-it's not that I d-don't like you, it's-"he started, but Gerard cut him off with an icy tone. "It's just that you're not gay." And at this, Gerard climbed out the window. Frank ran up to the cold glass and watched him climb down the tree and sprint off to his house. Then he sat on his bed and cried into his pillow. All he wanted, and something he could actually have - was gone. He ruined it. Why? Why did Gerard even think that he wasn't gay? He thought it was obvious, but maybe not...

Gerard sat at his drawing desk, restless. Wasn't he what Frank wanted? He stared at his drawing of him and Frank...

...And pulled out a razor blade from underneath the countless sheets of paper.

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