Watch 'em Stab me on Your Television

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A sharp burst of cold air blew into the couple's eyes. Frank scrunched his face up cutely, and Gerard looked around. They were still sitting on the bench, cuddling up to each other. Gerard's heart pace quickened.

"Frank," he said urgently. "we forgot to go home." This got Frank up and moving. He picked up his coat from the bench, and with Gee, took off running. They got to their houses, out-of-breath, and at 5:30am. 

Nobody made a noise at Frank's house; for his mother had gone off to the city for watching her friend's marching band. However, in Gerard's house, was a different story.

"Gerard Arthur Way, where have you been!?" shouted Mrs. Way. She didn't seem angry or worried though, just a little impatient. Gerard smiled.

"Forgot to come home after studying," he said, making it up right at the moment. His mum waved it off like a mosquito and then turned into a more serious tone.
"I'm really sorry about this, Gerard, but I have to tell you something." she said in a low voice. Gerard got anxious. What was going to happen? 
He gave his mother a puzzled look and she led him into the living room, where a girl with long, ebony hair and pale skin sat, smiling. Gerard felt the colour drain from his face.

(There's a reason why this chapter is so short ;-;)

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