All my Heroes are Dead

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The next week went by quickly; Gerard had gotten a cold, and Frank stayed at his house until they were both sick. They would snuggle up, listen to music, and sometimes Gerard woud start sketching Frank. Overall, they were both happy.

"Don't forget your toques!" called out Linda. They had gone to Frank's for a while. Gerard giggled and tried to put a hat on Frank with his eyes closed, faling miserably. He opened the door, gestured Frank outside, and slammed it behind him.

"Look, a wild faggot." Gerard heard a voice behind him and turned around. A teenage boy, maybe a year older, stood before him with a glare. Frank held onto Gerard's hand and stood beside him defiantly. The guy stood still for a moment, then swung his fist towards Gerard and caught him right on the jaw. He stumbled back, and Frank stepped in between them. He stood up on his backpack so he was face-to-face with the guy, and slapped him in the face, leaving a huge red mark. Frank then grabbed his collar and punched him repeatedly until he fell back with a bloody nose. He triumphantly whipped back to Gerard and gently lifted him up from the ground and set him down on his feet. His hand was brought up and rested gently on Gerard's jaw.
"You alright?" asked Frank. Gerard nodded, although he flinched with pain as he did so. Frank felt a pang in his heart. "You don't look alright. C'mon, let's get you a coffee." And at this, he led him down the street.

"Wow, coffee is so much better when it's cold outside," commented Gerard. Frank chuckled and gulped down his tea. They sat in the coffee shop, laughing like school girls, taking moments to cough, and whispering to each other from across the table. Neither wanted this moment to end. Unfortunately, it did, fifteen minutes later. Barging through the door was a wrecked, crying Mikey. Gerard gasped and immediately moved over to give Mikey a spot to sit. Mikey plunked down on the seat and fell into his brother's arms. Frank shot up and went to order a hot chocolate for the poor guy. After about 30 seconds, the crying subsided and he blurbed out everything that happened on the way out of school.

"H-he pushed me," He started. "He rammed me into the lockers, then put me in one, and locked it. He locked it! I had a panic attack and Ray-" Gerard recognized him as Mikey's friend- "found out the combination and got me out. But that's not all! This girl who I liked pushed me into the stair rails and it hit my shoulder, and I fell down the entire set of stairs!" Gerard hugged his brother closer. Frank slid the cup of hot chocolate in front of Mikey, and Mikey wasn't even done yet. "And at the end, he tossed my glasses away and now I can't find them!" he wailed. Neither Frank nor Gerard had seen him in a state such as this. Frank gave him a sympathetic look, and started to dig around in his bag. He soon pulled out a pair of thin silver frames, slightly dirty but in okay shape overall. Mikey's eyes went wide. "You found them!" He exclaimed. He snatched them and rested them on his face again. He had a small smile on his lips. The couple exchanged looks. Nobody could deny that Gerard had such a cute brother. He just hoped nothing would happen to any of the three, it seemed as if they had their share of troubles.

(the last sentence was a hint c:<)

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