Thirty Three: Stress of the Job

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"No," I throw another file down, before grabbing a new one and throwing it on my desk.

I flick through the hundred images, trying to find the woman in the dream I had.

Short brunette hair, green eyes, killed in building catastrophe.

"No," I repeat, shoving it aside.

Kalie had retrieved files containing profiles on all women under the age of 35 whom have passed away in the past six years, here in Gotham.

"You'd think it'd be easy!" I shout at the papers.

Trying to find this woman was an ample distraction, because right now I am dealing with one of the hardest decisions of my career.

Speaking of, my mobile begins ringing with Jim Gordon's ID. I glare at it and turn it off. No doubt he'll want to yell at me again.

I've already had Kalie hold all calls to my office.

Gordon's department finally did it; they have captured the man who is not only Gotham's biggest weapons dealer, but quite the murderer and rapist.

A slime ball named David Blancho. If it weren't for tips that go from Jason to me to Jim he would still be roaming the streets.

We can have him on 8 counts of murder, 32 counts of illegal trafficking of weapons and 18 counts of sexual slavery... And I would normally prosecute...


Blancho has something to trade for a lighter sentence. That something is the true identities of twelve Supervillains whom are yet to be caught.

He has not given a specific list of whom, but trading in one with a name and face for twelve with a mask to be removed is a once in a lifetime chance.

My office and I are not willing to let it pass by too easily. Anger is coming at us from every direction except the public. They still don't know.

This could be bad. I need to negotiate with Blancho's slimy lawyer. Some new guy on the block who looks like a twelve year old girl.

I don't want to take the risk for multiple reasons. One is, who own the masks he plans to unveil? The big guys like the Joker? Ones no one cares about like the Clock King Jr? People we already secretly know like Catwoman?

If I trade off this guy's conviction for identities not worth it, I'll be kicked out of this office before I can blink.

So it comes down to getting the list of villains. How he even knows anyone's identity from what he has done confuses me. There is no way anyone would tell him their name.

"Kalie, can you come in here please?" I call through the phone. She's there within a few seconds.

As of Monday, Leona has gone. Kalie has been running it on her own and so far she has been very attentive and neat.

"Can you get me some files on unidentified villains please?" I ask, sighing heavily and running my hand through my hair. I must look a mess. "And take these away. There's nothing in there," I hold out the three giant files on the women.

"Of course," she says, taking them from me. She goes to leave, before stopping at the door. "I know you asked me to hold all calls, but Jason wanted me to remind you to eat."

I don't look up, sorting through the police report of Blancho's arrest.

"Sure," I say dismissively. "When's lunch?"

"Five hours ago." My head snaps up to her, then out the window. The sun is ready to set. "I tried to bring you lunch but you asked not to be disturbed until 3:00."

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now