Forty Four: Delving

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The amazing _Stxdia_ pointed out to me that Only Exception by Paramore fits Jason and Venus' relationship quite well!

What song reminds you of these two?

For me it's Tattooed Heart by my bae and love Ariana Grande <3 <3 <3


The tip had come from a surprising source. The word 'tip', Jason uses lightly.

A Joker card had been pinned to the wall of Venus' office with the words 'Come and get em!' written with the address.

He, Red Robin and Nightwing are position to the south entrance of an old abandoned mill on the outskirts of Gotham.

Behind them are several members of Venus' father's gang. 

Jason expected shoddy thugs. Normal gangsters that shoot up the places their bosses tell them to.

He was wrong. The Salvore mob's members are...pumped. 

To Jason, they remind him of proper Russian soldiers or even League of Assassin members. If Venus was trained by the Warriors of Red Dust, there is every chance they were too.

On the other side of the mill stands Batman, Batgirl, Robin, Anton Salvore and some more mobsters.

More stand at the East and West entrances.

"Are you in position?" Batman's voice echoes through their communicators. Tim answers. They stand ready to storm the mill.


The soldiers stay in place as Tim, Dick and Jason make for the back door of the mill with stealth and haste. Jason and Dick stand watch as Tim gets the door open.

They enter, the dark cobblestone and wood room smelling of damp and decay. Quietly, they descend the stairs of the round room, towards the underground water tunnels.

Reaching a section of passages, Batman, Robin and Batgirl emerge at the same time. Tim is already on the floor, examining blotches of blood.

On his screen, it reveals that three samples match that of the missing District Attorneys.

Batman directs each of his team down a different drain system. 

Jason takes no precautions as he sprints down the cemented path, having to duck slightly due to the height restrictions.

He sees a light in the distance; obviously a proper room. As he closes in on the entrance, he realises he is looking at the unfamiliar form of the District Attorney of starling city.

"I have DA Ross from Opal. She's fine, but unconscious," Nightwing reports.

"Hadrid from Central City. Conscious," Robin adds.

"Caper from Starling," Jason throws in, untying her. "She's unconscious, but she's alright." He listens closely as he lifts her, striding back into the drain.

"Dead end," Batman says.

"Well I've got Ramirez! From Lightway. He's out of it," Batgirl is last to report. Jason can feel he tension through his communicator. 

Red Robin. Tim had to have found her. The thought of her not being here, being out of grasp again is unbearable.

Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin and Batgirl meet in the centre room again. They place the three unconscious Attorneys down, gently.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now