Two: I'm Not A Fucking Damsel

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Officer Owens is still breathing but Williams doesn't look like much is going on.


I can feel a small cut on my forehead and a gash on my arm. It takes a moment for my head to clear, but eventually I figure out the car is on its right side. Through the windscreen I can see two shadows fighting by the car. One small, one very large.

I push myself up from the door. I need to get out of here. If he decides to crush the car, or throw it, I'm going to die. I take both officers' guns. Usually I'd have my own, but whenever I go to the court house I leave that stuff at home. Or in my car, but Telysha drove us today.

The windscreen caves with one swift kick. I'm really going to have to throw these heels away.

Water splashes around me when I finally get to my feet. The moisture in the air makes everything smell worse- the trash down the alleys, the sewers lining the streets and the body odour of the three thugs wearing jaw masks coming towards me.

For a second, as I raise the guns at them, it feels familiar. Not in a happy nostalgic way, but in a way that makes me dread the coming bang, the jolt of the weapons against my hands and the sound of bodies hitting the floor.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

They go down easy. For a moment I believe they're dead, but my body had taken a kinder autopilot to my mind and shot them in the thighs. Not like I would have years ago. Still, aiming for the legs will slow any man down well enough.

Also, since when does Waylon have thugs at all? Let alone ones that are so useless.

Perhaps they belong to the men who hired the Killer Croc to do their dirty work. He must be expensive. I suppose other areas have to suffer because of it.

When I sense the oncoming presence it's already too late. There are heavy footsteps behind me. I spin on the spot and raise the gun, only to have one of them slapped from my hand.

"Nice try, gorgeous," a razor sharp grin flashes at me in the lightning along with a deep, grumbling voice.

He swipes for me and I jump back, putting enough distance between us to hold up the other gun.

"Interesting choice of work, Waylon," I raise my voice over the rain, backing away as he comes towards me, "Times hard?"

Maybe if I buy enough time, Batman will show up. Looking past the hulking monster in front of me, I can see the small figure from before collapsed in a heap on the road. Lightning cracks and reveals the colours or green and red.


"Beating up kids usually isn't your thing."

"Brat had it comin'," he responds quickly. He reaches for me again and I duck to the side, skidding in the puddles pooling on the road. I fire mostly for the distraction of noise before rolling over the bonnet of the nearest parked car.

"Heard you were fast," he remarks, undeterred as I retreat backwards down the sidewalk.

"That why the Sons and the Brotherhood need a guy like you to take little old me down?" I ramble. Where in the hell is batbrain and his posse?

I need a weak spot. Everything and everyone has one, even a giant crocodile man who lives in the sewers. The green on his body gets lighter around his neck, from what I can see under the moonlight and street lamps. That could indicate a target for one bullet.

"You know how it works. Can't let you-"

I fire while he's distracted. It hits his neck and very clearly bounces off, but it still hurts him. He roars, clutching his throat. I turn and run but can't get away fast enough.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now