Fifty Seven: The Fiancé and the Playdoll

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DEDICATED TO THE BEAUTIFUL LiveHalfAlive for her wicked drawing of Sugar Skull! Check it out on her profile!! And her books!!!


I am desperately grasping onto the adrenaline coursing through my veins, stopped short by the first barrier in my goal to destroy Sukiyo and rescue Jason.

A goddamn wall.

The basement of the library is no basement at all; but rather, an actual base. It's old, one that Hiroshi sometimes used when he was in Lightway. It was abandoned until Sukiyo got here.

A staircase leads from the library floor down into the first level of the base. It hasn't been used, judged by the lack of light, the dust, the cobwebs and the occasional blood splatter on the walls.

The Bats and myself lead the way, with my father and his mobsters at the back. Everyone with a mask seems to be in the same situation; night vision.

Through it I can see we pass doorless rooms, empty of any furniture. It looks well abandoned, but it's not. Batman is beside me when we get to the end of the hallway, facing a blank, grey-painted wall.

"Behind here," he says lowly. I understand; this floor is a farce. Made to look abandoned so that enemies retreat.

Silently, he reaches for something on his belt. Nightwing and Red Robin begin shuffling backwards, so I go with it, until we're at least 10 metres behind Bruce.

He sprays what I easily guess is explosive putty across the wall. Okay, blowing it up is obviously the way he thinks to go. Batman retreats before clicking a button on the device in his hand. I'd guess it's because of the rush of the mask, that I am unaffected by the small explosion that rocks the room.

As Bruce moves forward to check the wall, something moves out of the corner of my eye, in the adjacent room. I glance in to see the figure of Sukiyo's little witch, leaning against the far wall.

When I blink, she's gone.

As I am behind the vigilantes, I signal to my dad that I am going into the room. He nods.

Quietly, I enter the room with both guns at the ready. The walls are blank and the floor titles are dirty, but the room is overall empty.

Except, for her. She's standing in the corner watching me. The girl who caught my sister and tortued me with the Joker's memories.

You must come alone, Venus Meadow. 

Her voice in my head feels like a cold hand running through my hair. It's a chill that doesn't leave, even as I approach her slowly. 

Like magic, she phases into the wall. My steps quicken towards her.

The wall she phased into looks different to its surroundings. I reach out, only for my hand to go straight through it.

A hologram. 

I glance over my shoulder to where a second explosion is ringing. That's the force entry for visitors, this is the secret entrance for residents.

Sukiyo wants to fight one on one? She's got it.

I step through the hologram to be faced with a brightly lit, wooden staircase. I am reminded of the Japanese style of the base, unlike the zombie-apocalypse-hospital feel on the first floor.

The steps creak as I descend them, seeing a dimly lit room at the end of my path. This is it. She'll be there and I will finally have my chance to get rid of her. 

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now