Ten: Alike

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Tossing and turning in bed isn't ideally how I want to fall asleep. I keep getting up and going to the kitchen, grabbing a water or beer before walking straight back in my room to stop myself from enacting any illicit ideas.

Jason's bedroom light is on, meaning he's awake and in there. I can hear him moving around.

On my third adventure into the kitchen to try and distract myself from the random, oddly perfect kiss, he walks out too.

No one knows true pain of awkward until this happens to them.

As I pour refrigerated water into my glass, he's at the counter behind me slipping bread into the toaster. Neither of us speak. I turn around and lean against the sink.

Why did I stop him again?

I'm on my way back to my room when he speaks.

"Third question; why'd you stop me?"

I freeze. I have to be honest, don't I? I nearly answer 'because I'm an idiot', which is also true.

"I don't do criminals," I answer, "well, anymore."

"I'm not a criminal," he frowns.

I turn around and sigh at him, "Maybe not, but you're alike to one."

"And you're not?"

My shoulders draw back, "Not anymore."

I don't even know what I want. I want to kiss him and I want to keep some distance between us. Two completely opposites.

I wait for him to say something.

"Don't you think calling me a criminal makes you a hypocrite?"

The insult burns, "Hypocrite? I'm not-"

"A criminal is someone who commits an act or omission that violates the law without reason. An anti-hero is someone who commits an act or omission that violates the law, in the name of the law and to keep justice. I am an anti-hero. You were a criminal."

I place my cup down and stalk back towards him, "You might have read that file but, you have no idea what drove me to be Duchess, or do the things she did."

"You don't even consider being Duchess a part of you. You call her 'she'. It proves that you're ashamed."

"Are you trying to read me?" I interrupt, letting out a vindictive laugh. "What's your aim? Trying to gain some equal ground here because I can find out everything about you with a glance, while you had to pay my associates for a just scrap of information about me?"

He leans against the counter and stares at it, staying silent.

I fold my arms and take another step, "New tone in your voice and surprising take on criminality, mine in particular, suggests you are taking your own upset towards yourself out on me."

His head snaps up. Victory.

"Reaction proves me right."

"Will you stop?"

I stare at him for a while, waiting for him to do something else I can assess. All he does is continue making a coffee.

"What's with your aversion to me?" I ask, unable to stop the pathetic question before it comes out. At least I didn't ask it in the baby way...why do you hate me, Jason?

He looks at me, suspicious, and mumbles something.


"Is that your third question?"

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now