Fifty Three: Confidant

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I was sick this week and holy fuck I got ADDICTED to the Walking Dead.

So I have a new Walking Dead fanfiction, check it out on my profile!



When I wake up the morning after I was rescued, possibilities hit me like a train.

However unlike usual I don't feel like the train has physically crashed into me. Instead, when I sit up with Jason still fast asleep beside me, I feel like I could run a marathon.

Regardless, I lie back down and take a deep breath, closing my eyes so I can gather some scattered thoughts. I decide to make a list.

•Kidnapped by Ra's Al Ghul and daughter.
•Healed by Ra's Al Ghul.
•Complimented by Ra's Al Ghul.
•Given shady implications of an alliance by Ra's Al Ghul.
•Attacked by Talia Al Ghul.
•Saved by Ra's Al Ghul.
•Fell into Ra's Al Ghul's fountain of youth pit, ingested some of it.
•Saved by Batman.

Great. Making lists is supposed to help, right? It doesn't. It just confuses me- which is why I can't bring myself to list all of the reasons Talia wants me dead, or Ra's wants to be allies.

I need to distract myself.

I need to work. 

Quietly, I push the covers back and climb out of bed.

Last night after I had a shower Jason kept me in a vice hold until I fell asleep. Despite my state of well-being I still had the shakes. Having him hold me so tightly helped in easing my mind for sleep.

I guess at some point he just let go.

After I take another shower and slip into a pencil skirt and blouse, I find Jason awake and groggy, sitting up in bed. He takes one exhausted look at my attire and I know I'm about to cop it.

"You were literally just kidnapped," he argues, watching me dart around our room.

"Yes, I'll have to catch up," I answer, brushing off the undertone of the question. I should be traumatised...or something. I am in no way injured and feel like I've never been more energised.

"They can survive without you for another day," he says as I put my heels on. He moves to the edge of the mattress.

"They really can't," I say back. I reach for my red blazer that's hanging on the chair. Jay appears out of nowhere and reaches for it first, stealing off me.

"Stop," he whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder. I sigh and freeze my movements for a second. I look up at him. He looks sick; bags under his eyes, pale, bloodshot.

Suddenly I realise I'm a selfish bitch. Everything seems to slow down after that. Perhaps its another pit effect; everything seeming brighter and faster. Jason had been worried; of course he had.

And what have I done to help?

"Looks like you're the one who needs to stop," I smile softly, reaching up and brushing some of his hair off of his face. He closes his eyes, leaning into my touch. It makes my heartbeat stutter. "You don't look well."

He nods a little bit, looking down at the floor. I feel guilty. This put a lot of stress on him, paired with the stress of being Red Hood. I reach for his hand so I can lead him to the bed to lay down.

"I'm fine, Jay. If I get to work I can distract myself from the fact that I nearly died two days ago, okay?" I smile, sitting down and dragging him with me.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now