Four: A Dance

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I can tell by the way the audience in the courtroom is fidgeting that they are intimidated by the presence of Nightwing and tough little Robin standing at the back. Red Hood, obviously unable to just stroll into the courthouse, is waiting outside in case there is an emergency.

After rumours surged around about me disarming two of the assailants and shooting them in the leg, I doubt anyone will attack here.

Telysha speaks sharply to the witness on stand. We're trying to get to the bottom of a new case, about a recent crime family that has sprung up out of the blue.

My eyes keep darting to the wall. There are no windows in here, but I know of one hundred guns that could blast straight through concrete. The witness starts biting back at Telysha, calling her names. I stand and draw her back to the bench. This trial is boring.

"Permission to treat the witness as hostile?" I demand sharply instead of drawling like I want to.


"I move that this case be postponed."

"Motion carried."

The courtroom clears quickly, everyone afraid of a shootout starting due to my presence. I stroll out with Nightwing and Robin, both doing well in ignoring multiple reactions (including excited fangirls for Nightwing).

"Are such cases always so tedious?" Robin asks, his furrowed brow and angry demeanor becoming somewhat of a relatable trademark.

"Wish I could say a hostile witness keeps things interesting, but that would be a lie. I hate witnesses who don't squirm and squeak straight away," I respond, looking down at him. He looks up at me but quickly snaps his head forward again. I try not to smirk at the kid's bashfulness. My diagnosis? One very dominant woman in his life, but hardly motherly. A bossy, cold sort of relationship.


"Tonight, at the Wayne Ball," Nightwing begins as we reach the ground floor, "We'll be undercover to protect you, as will Bruce Wayne's and Jim Gordon's guards. Will that suffice?"

"I suppose there will be a bigger risk off attack with three of us there. You won't hear any complaints from me." Except about the protection overkill.

Honestly I wish Nightwing would behave more like Red Hood. He spends most of his time on the roof. If there is ever any trouble, all I have to do is call him in.

Not that I need help. In fact I'd love for a bunch of assholes to come to Gin's apartment to take me on, because I will destroy them and prove to all the bats and birds I need 0 protection detail. To this day I've never been open to Bats, or anyone in this city, about my past. They don't know my real name, my kill count or my previous occupation.

Fabricating Venus Meadow was too easy.

Hence, I allow them all to worry over my well-being. If I still had full use of my powers then I could probably take the Sons down in a night (with some investigative Bat help).

When I get home I know he must be back up on the roof, because Nightwing is not present and Robin must have returned to Bruce Wayne.

I spend a few hours going over some files before the time to start getting ready comes.

Tonight for the Wayne Charity Ball, I'm wearing a red dress with a slit up the side, a low back and cut in waist, with diamenties and crystals on the edge.

"Will you be dancing with anyone?" Ginger asks me when she ducks in, clad in a sky blue dress. Her purpose is to assist Gordon. Really, she's there scoping for someone new to play with.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now