Forty One: Lose You

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BlueBeetlesGal and ChillinVanilla have submitted their amazing entries for my one-shot competition ^_^ It's open until the end of this book remember, but check out these two entries!

I throw papers into their fitting piles, scattered across my desk. Telysha and the other ADA's jog in, asking for what to do next and I snap back at them orders.

Things are crazy. Hectic.

A sudden influx of crime has occurred in the city over the past week. It usually does, being the start of the year and all.

Two weeks in and chaos.

It is annoying for many reasons. It brings a mountain of work for us here in legal, terrorises the city an most of all; Jason and the others are out every night.

My bed is cold. And lonely.

I worry about him, Tim, Dami, Dick and Bruce out there, in the 'wild'. As well as cops like Gordon and my sister.

As for my other sister; she either stays home with the dogs, explores the city with some muscle following her for protection (ordered by my dad) or comes in to help Kalie. She's shopping right now though.

The phone is ringing like a bell, constantly. Kalie is panicking with her little experience and I am on the verge of breaking down, trying to keep all of the crimes in separate files, for when we have to fight the cases.

At the same time I'm sending off my ADAs and their lowers to investigate current cases, meanwhile trying to maintain what's happening in the courts right now.

I should break down. But I don't.

Every time I feel a little too on edge, like I might pull my gun out and shoot up my desk, I take a seat and hold my necklace pendant in my hand.

Following up with a deep breath, things get better. I can power on for the next hour or so, before I need to calm down.

"A package has arrived for you," Kalie says, walking in and placing a box on my desk. "Do you need anything?" Her hair is a little haphazard and she is obviously tired.

"I think we both do," I say, opening my large bottom draw. I pull out my work aesthetic, a bottle of whiskey, and two glasses. "It will help."

She smiles slightly, taking a seat across from me.

I pour the smallest amount in each glass and hand one to her.

"Haven't drunk since I left the bar," she tells me. I look at her in surprise.

"Then you definitely need it," I say with a grin. She smiles, drinking some.

"Leona warned me about this. She said the stress would grip me, like a vice," she says. "The start of the year, Valentines day, St Patricks Day, 4th of July, Halloween. They all bring crime. This city is so messed up," she says softly. Her expression turns to confusion. "Why the hell did you come here of all places?"

I have to laugh at that, as I finish my drink.

"It was the place I knew I could make the most difference, because it needed it," I say. She seems to mull over that, as my eyes fall to the package. Sighing, I reach out and pull it forward.

I expect evidence or files or something. More to add on the stress of the day.

The lid comes off with a struggle and the last thing I expect to find sits in there, poised to attack. I leap to my feet and jump back defensively, and Kalie squeals.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now