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Stampy's POV

I woke up to notice that the sunshine was on my face, almost blinding me. I sat up and looked around the room. The room was awkwardly quiet. I got out of bed and went out the door. I expected to see Sqaishey sitting at the table, drinking a cup of tea. When I stopped rubbing my eyes, I realized Sqaishey wasn't there. Oh no...

Sqaishey's POV

My hands were trembling. There's a part of me which wants to go back to Stampy though there's another part of me telling me to continue. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. Breath in, breath out. I finally felt more relaxed. Okay, I'll go on the train. I boarded the train just before I regret it.

I sat down and looked out the window. The sun was already rising in the distance. Then I noticed a car driving up by the station. The train started moving. But when I took a closer look, it was Stampy's car. Oh no, this is bad. Really really bad. He hurriedly went out of the car, standing by the opened door. I took one last glance at him. The expression on his face made him look hurt. Bye Stampy...


I arrived home, completely tired. My feet felt numb from sitting for 2 hours. When I looked up, the house looked a bit different. I shrugged it off and came in anyways. I received surprised looks from my mother, father and... sister? I never had a sister! "Who-who's that-that baby...?" I pointed at the infant wrapped in cloth.

My mother smiled, "Your new sister." For a moment, I actually thought they were kidding. But when I took a closer look, it looked like me. What?!

Miss Clumsy meets Mister Silly // SqampyWhere stories live. Discover now