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Melanie's POV

My eyes were red from crying. I was currently in the bathroom, crying my heart out. My mascara was streaming down my face. I looked like a mess! I tried to make myself happy. Think of happy thoughts. You're in happy land. Don't think of that [insert other female dog term here], I thought. Then memories flooded into my mind.


I was sitting next to Joey while we were playing the Xbox edition of Minecraft. I was having tons of fun with him, he was a really great guy. Then after we played for awhile, he got a phone call. Joey said it was his father calling him. Joey said he had to leave to see his parents. I desperately begged him to let me come with him because I wanted to stay with him. But he just told me to stay.

A few months passed but Joey never got back. He didn't even contact me at all. I knew that he still loved me, that he is still thinking about me, I knew he would never cheat on me. Somewhere in my heart, I knew something happened to him.

Later on, I realized he left me. He moved out of town to get away from me. He didn't actually stay with his parents.

H-h-he lied!

I was really upset. Until I eventually found out he was friends with Sqaishey. I turned really angry.

Ever since then, I've  been searching for Joey to ask him just one question. Just one question.

Which was if he still loved me

He loves me, he loves me not.
Yeah, she is like that.
But it's a not!
HAHA GURL YOU ARE NOT BEING LOVED HAHA, sometimes I think I am just over reacting 0.o...

~Lulu, The Person Who Doesn't Feel Bad At All For Melanie (Which Means That Person Is EVIL)

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