It is BRIAN!

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"Brian's" POV

She was...alive.I couldn't believe it,SHE WAS ALIVE!I went down next to her and hugged her.I squeezed her as tight as I could.But,she pushed me away.My smile fades and it turned into a frown.

Sqaishey-"I don't wanna hang out with you, [insert insulting name here]."

Then she crossed her arms and stubbornly looked away.Thats what I like about her.Its so nice to see her again,after all those years...

Brian-"Beth,don't you remember me?"

Sqaishey-"Of course I do,[insert insulting name here]."

Then she looked away.I looked back at the nurse as she was awkwardly backing away.It was actually a bit funny when she moonwalked and hit the wall instead of the door.She awkwardly moved to the side and went out.I held Beth's hand and stared at her.She acts a lot more different now since she's been with that stupid "Stampy" guy everyone knows and loves.Ugh,I hate him!

Sqaishey's POV

Gosh,it's Brian.I was expecting Stampy to come in and run up to me and hug me."Ahh..." I sighed dreamily.But NO,instead of a nice man with curls there came in a man with a crew cut.

I didn't remember much about our past relationship,but I'll tell you what I know...

I was running down the long endless hallway when I tripped and the books I was carrying flew out of my arms.Everybody laughed at me and they called me,"Miss Clumsy" since I was clumsy.I didn't like it and I started to sob,which made it even more funnier for them.

I knelt down and grabbed each book.But there was a boy,about my age who knelt down and helped me.He was so kind,I thought.He smiled at me as he walked down the hallway with me.

Brian-"So...Your name is Bethany,right?"

Beth-"Yeah,what's your name?"

Brian-"They mostly call me Brian."

The name was absolutely cute,I thought.I also realized he was wearing nerdy looking glasses and he wore a nice shirt which said "Have A Good Day".

We became close friends and I thought I had feelings for him.I also remember our first date.He asked me out and I accepted to go out with him.At the date,he didn't wear his glasses or one of his cute shirts.He took away what I liked about him and he wore something new,something different.

He looked like someone else.But I ignored that thought.I enjoyed spending time with him,but suddenly he disappeared.I felt like I was abandoned.




Those thoughts raced through my mind.

He left me...

He left me...

He left me...

Why?Probably to hang out in the bar and get drunk.Afterwards,immediately just hit on some other girls while forgetting about me!Oops,that's what he actually did.The next day,he promised not to do it again.

But,our second date was a disaster.He took me to the bar and he got drunk.Then he just hit on some girl right in front of me.

"Oh Brian,

I miss the old you."

Then I spent almost my whole life crying in bed everyday,dreading to go back to school.


I love you...

...and hate you at the same time,jerk.



I told you know,okay?!I'm just so relieved that I'm finally done.




Miss Clumsy meets Mister Silly // SqampyWhere stories live. Discover now