To Stampys's Town

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Stampy's POV

Me and Sqaishey have been internet friends for like two weeks. Its been really fun Skyping her, playing with her and making some silly little jokes with her.But,I really wanna meet her in person. She's just been such a great friend!

I made some tea then I went on Skype. I Skype called Sqaishey, she immediately answered the call. She said "Hi." then I gave her a weak smile. I started thinking on how I could ask her to come. Like,"Hey Sqaishey,wanna come to my place?" or like, "Sqaisheyyy wanna come to my place and dance 'till we die?" But I have a feeling that's definitely not going to work. I took a deep breath and said everything as fast as I could,

Stampy-"Hey Sqaishey, wanna come to my place soon? You can meet Squid. He lives near here. We could also have tons of fun!"

Sqaishey-"Are you serious, Stampy?! I sure do wanna go!"

I nodded, and she squealed in delight. I was very excited. We planned things out while we were Skyping and we did a few rounds of Hunger Games. I'm so excited that I can't hardly wait to see Sqaishey! She'll ride a train to my town then I'll pick her up. We'll  drive together to my apartment.

Sqaishey's POV

I am really excited to see Stampy, it's a fan girl's dream come true! We will have a lot of fun. Oh, I'm also excited to see Squid! I really hope this trip won't go wrong.

~At Stampy's Town~

Oh my goodness! I just dropped off the train and now it's raining. I heard lightning which really scared me. I saw people running to covers, trying not to get wet. But I seriously didn't care about myself. I am a duck character after all.

Anyways, I sat on a bench and I waited for Stampy to come and pick me up like  he said he would. I waited and waited and waited. There were no more people in sight, just me. When I was about to lose hope, Stampy came from the midst and smiled at me. I looked up to see his face. He extended out his hand then I grabbed it and stood up.

I was getting really cold. I kept shivering a lot. Stampy must have noticed, since he handed me a scarf. I placed it around my body and I stopped shivering. We walked and walked until we saw Stampy's car. He opened the door for me and I hopped in. Afterwards, he went inside and sat on his seat. He started the engine then he drove us to his apartment.

~Stampy's apartment~

Stampy opened the door,and I walked in his apartment. It was really nice inside and there was a box of pizza on the coffee table in front of his couch. He dropped off my bag in the guest room then he made some tea. He made one for himself then one to me. He handed the cup of tea to me then he started sipping his tea.

Miss Clumsy meets Mister Silly // SqampyWhere stories live. Discover now