Party Crasher

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Stampy's POV

It was time to go to the party. Sqaishey went into her room to dress up while I went into mine to dress up too. I came out first but I'm glad I did. Because when Sqaishey came out, she looked absolutely beautiful! Her hair was tied into a braid which they call a "French Braid". She wore a simple yellow dress along with yellow flats with bows on them to match.

I smiled at her. Then she shyly looked down. Her cheeks flushed a bright red. I went to the car, with Sqaishey following behind. It looked as if we were a couple but I don't think I really like her THAT much. We just met, we can't possibly be girlfriend and boyfriend already. I have to admit, I do have a tiny little crush on her.

~At The Party~

We arrived at the party and practically everyone was looking at us. At the door, I saw Squid and Nicole waiting for us. It was the first time Nicole ever met Sqaishey. She looked at Sqaishey from head to toe, eyeing her carefully. Then, she smiled and hugged Sqaishey.

Nicole-"You must be Bethany (Noo!! Don't use her real name! Noo!)! Hi, I'm Nicole!"

Sqaishey also introduced herself. Then they quickly became close friends. They started gossiping about things me and Squid weren't interested in.

~Later That Night...~

Sqaishey, me, Squid and Nicole were on the dance floor, doing some silly moves. They all laughed so hard when I almost fell on my bum. When I got too exhausted to dance anymore, I sat down on a couch, while the rest sat next to me. Sqaishey stood up, then said she was thirsty and that she'd just grab a drink.

Sqaishey's POV

I went over to grab a drink but at the refreshments table, there she was again....


She gave me an evil smirk, while I gave her an angry look. We just stared at each other, in complete silence. If you ignored the loud music, it was completely quiet in the house. But then, I noticed Melanie had something in her hand, which was...shiny. Then, I realized it was.....A KNIFE!! She grinned, then she walked closer to me and held the knife near my neck. One move, and I was done.

Melanie-"Don't touch my Joey again, or you will know what pain feels like!"

Quickly, I grabbed her hand and moved it away from my neck. I accidentally moved the knife towards her face. The knife rubbed against her face and a little scar appeared on her cheek. She touched it and she yelped in pain.

Melanie-"Your gonna pay for this!"

Then she ran away.(chicken!) Everyone saw what happened. My friends went over to see what was wrong. They sighed in relief to see that I was okay.

I'll promise myself one thing:


Yay, so dramatic and scary.
Yay, I made Melanie look like a complete psycho right now, yay.
Sorry, but I had to :(
Ok, bye.

~Lulu, The Person Who Made Melanie Seem Like A Complete Maniac

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