CRAZY Sqaishey

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Stampy's POV

I carried Sqaishey bridal style,then I walked out of the woods.I brought Sqaishey to my car,while she was sleeping.Then,I drove home.

Sqaishey's POV (sort of)

Everything is great!I love Stampy,so much,I want to win his heart!I want to be that girl everyone will talk about (that loves Stampy).I care for Stampy because he was that famous single person.He was the one and only,he was the one everyone loved,then soon I will be too!


I woke up,and I saw Stampy sleeping beside me.I played with his nice curls,they were soft.Then,I got up and went to the kitchen.I opened the fridge,but all I saw was Yoghurt.I took it,then I grabbed a spoon and sat down to eat.

I saw Stampy coming out of his room,rubbing his eyes.I walked to him,then I hugged him real tight.Then,I batted my eyes,then I started twirling my hair around my finger.It was the only way I could get his attention.

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey is acting weird now,i don't know what she is thinking about.She suddenly acts different now,which is really strange.I ignored those thoughts,then I continued my life.


Sqaishey kept hugging me now for some reason.Like a while ago,I was recording,then she hugged me from behind.I am madly in love with her now,but not in the way she acts.

~After A bit more of being annoyed~

I have had it!Why is Sqaishey like this now?Did she turn crazy or something??I decided I needed some air,I went out of my house.But then,I saw Sqaishey follow behind.I got a little irritated,but I didn't bother her.




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