Unexpected Suprise

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Stampy's POV

I woke up and realized me and Sqaishey just watched TV a while ago till we fell asleep. Sqaishey was peacefully laying next to me and she slept like an angel.

I stood up and then I grabbed our cups and went to the sink to wash them. After washing the cups I went to my room and brought out a comfy T-shirt then I shut the door to get changed.


When I was done, I saw Sqaishey sitting on the couch rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her then she gave me a small smile. I sat next to her then I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted Squid.

Stampy-"Squid, wanna come to my place?Someone new is here."

Then he replied,

Squid-"Sure mate, I'll be there."


I heard a rang at the doorbell and I went to open the door. It was Squid! I hugged him while he patted my back. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I moved aside to let him enter then I told him to sit down while I go get Sqaishey.

I found Sqaishey in the guest room, finished recording a video. I grabbed her by the wrist and I pulled her over to Squid. Squid was patiently waiting on the couch, but when he saw Sqaishey, he stood up and smiled.

Squid-"Eyy! Who is this Stampy?"

Stampy-"This is Sqaishey, we just met a few weeks ago. And Sqaishey, this is Squid, my buddy."

Sqaishey shyly waved at him. Then, I said-

Stampy-"There is going to be a party tonight just a few miles from here, Squid. Wanna join us?"

Squid nodded while Sqaishey squealed in delight.


Squid left afterwards. I went to my room to see if I could find a tux but I didn't find any which could fit me. I grabbed my car keys then I told Sqaishey I was gonna find a tux at the mall. But then she grabbed my wrist and I turned around to see her giving me puppy dog eyes.

Sqaishey-"I wanna go too! I didn't bring a dress along with me!"

I sighed then I agreed to let her come. She hopped into the car then so did I. I drove to the mall.

~At The Mall~

I parked my car in an empty spot,then me and Sqaishey went to the entrance.

Stampy-"Meet me back here in an hour, okay?"


Then,she dashed in and looked around.

Sqaishey's POV

I looked around the mall for a store where I could find some dresses, and finally I found one. I went inside, a woman greeted me with a smile. I asked her where I could buy some party-ish dresses,and she pointed to a section towards my left. I smiled and thanked her. Then I went over there and I searched for a dress.

After a while of fitting on some dresses, I finally found the perfect one. It was a yellow dress. It was just a simple dress, but I thought it was perfect for me. I brought it to the cashier and I payed for it,but before I left the woman said-

Cashier-"Oh right! You are Ms. Sqaishey, am I right?"

I turned around and smiled at her. Finally, someone who notices me.

Sqaishey-"Yes, I am Sqaishey"

Cashier-"My son watches yours and Stampy's videos. Could you please sign this for me, so I could give it to my son?"

Sqaishey-"Of course, I would love to do that."

I signed a piece of paper, then she said thank you and I left. I was walking around the mall while I still had 20 minutes to spare. I bought some snacks, then I went back to the entrance. But an unexpected surprise greeted me there...

...It was Melanie.

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