"Sqaishey...Help me...I need you."

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It was dark, I was scared. Where did he go? I don't know, where he went. I did not know anything...I started to sob on the swing set. All I had was enough money for a ride on the train. Thats pretty much worthless.Never in my life was I sad.I wandered around the park,hoping to bump into Stampy.Stampy was nowhere to be found.I lost hope,I decided to walk to a nearby bench to sit and think.
Those thoughts flooded through my mind.I had no idea what to do.I felt like a ghost,no one could see me.I looked up from the ground and saw people,walking happily...

I stood up and looked around.I went over to the side walk and I searched the street.But something caught my eye...

...The Shady Man

He is such a MEANIE BEANIE.But I really shouldn't blame him without any evidence.I looked over to the shady man once more.He was leaning on a wall,his arms crossed.I felt like he was everywhere.There was a wail of EEE-III-OOUU EEE-III-OOUU,it was some police cars.The man looked to his sides and ran away.He ran to a dark alleyway,full speed.I chased after him,almost tripping while doing so.

I turned to the alleyway and looked around.
Suddenly,I heard a faint voice calling my name.I couldn't tell who's voice was it.I followed the faint voice,listening carefully.
I heard it coming from the other side of a wired-fence.It was calling my name...

"Sqaishey..." *Cough* "Sqaishey...Sqaish..." *Cough* "Help mee..."

I needed to find it.

"Sqaishey...Help...I need you..."


Miss Clumsy meets Mister Silly // SqampyWhere stories live. Discover now