Chapter 9

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"So... I'll see you later?" Shane said quietly as he helped me take off my helmet. I really need to learn how to unbuckle that thing. I nodded my head as I put the helmet in the seat compartment. Then Shane swung his leg over the bike and revved the engine.

Before he zoomed off, I quickly pecked his cheek and ran in the house. I leaned against the closed door with a smile on my face. I don't know why it took so much courage to kiss my own mate. God, I'm turning into some typical love-struck teenager. It wasn't even a real kiss. I kissed his cheek. But it was still skin-to-skin contact, which is why sparks were tickling my lips.

I couldn't help smile a little wider. "What's got you all chipper?" Maddi teased as she stood with her hand supporting her back. She's gonna pop. I just know it. Any moment now. "Earth to Wendy!" she snapped me out of my thoughts.

Moving my gaze away from her swollen stomach to her face, I grinned. "You should name the baby after me" I suggested. She rolled her blue eyes at me. "Wait. Is it a boy or a girl?" I inquired. Maddi shrugged. "You don't know?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I wanted it to be a surprise" she stated. "Honestly, we're just gonna wing it with the names. The baby might be nameless for a few days" she noted. I laughed. Its not like people actual call babies by their names. They're usually like 'hey, baby' or 'sweetheart' or 'cutie' or 'little one' or whatever cute nicknames you can think of.

I'm gonna spoil that baby. Its gonna be my niece or nephew, and I'm gonna be the best aunt ever. I'll make sure to get all the loud toys that play music and stuff so it will annoy Ralph. And when I babysit, I'll give the kid a lot of candy and chocolate so when he or she returns home, they will be hyped up on sugar.

Look at me, planning ahead. All I need is money. So I need a job. "Hey, Maddi" I said. She hummed in response. "Do you know where I can get a job?" I asked.

She raised her eyebrows. "You want a job?" she asked, looking confused. I nodded my head. "Why?" she blurted.

Did she just ask why I want a job? I thought the purpose of having a job was self-explanatory. "So I can have money" I said slowly. "I need money to buy things" I reminded her.

She nodded her head. "I know that. I'm not stupid" she huffed. "We have plenty of money. You can-"

"Nope" I quickly declined. "I'm making my own money. I'm not taking any from you guys" I declared.

Maddi frowned. "You can borrow some then. Just take some, and you'll pay it back when you can" she offered. I shook my head and she sighed in defeat. "I'll ask Dominic" she told me. Who the hell is Dominic? "The Alpha" she clarified as if she read my mind.

I should probably learn people's names. "The Beta was the green-eyed one right?" I asked.

She nodded. "His name is Tyson" she informed me. I nodded. So Tyson is the Beta with the green eyes. And the Alpha's name is Dominic. Okay. So who's Gamma?

"Who's- wait. Stupid question. Nevermind" I mumbled. Ralph is Gamma. I'm dumb. Great. What a perfect combination! Love-struck and dumb!

I heard quick footsteps as Ralph ran down the stairs. Halfway down, his steps got slower. "Hey, Wendy" he said softly. I gave him a soft smile as I waved at him. "Is Shane with you?" he questioned.

Keeping the smile on my face, I shook my head. "He has Head Warrior things to do" I stated. Its not lying. He does has things to do. But I doubt he's doing them.

Ralph frowned and nodded his head. "They'll come around" Maddi told him with what looked like an assuring smile. Who will come around? "The guys are mad about what Ralph did. But they're gonna forgive him" she stated. I'm pretty sure that I was thinking aloud again.

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